Hide and Seek... plus?

Nov 24, 2011 01:49

Time for another round of Hide and Seek. We've hidden a special tennis ball somewhere, and the first five people to find it win an extra 10 points and the first three win a prize! Because of this your rooms have opened early for the weekend. Good luck!

((Somewhere in this community posts is a tennis ball. The tennis ball will be inserted somewhere within a word. If that word is closet, for example, your character will post here saying "I found the tennis ball in a closet", along with a link to the post it was found in. Also no claiming with both of your characters, if you have two.

But wait, there's more! Somehow or other, it wasn't just the regular rooms that have opened up. A couple of previously unopened doors are available, leading to empty white rooms, but more than that, it is the rooms only accessible from the spaces between the walls that are of interest. Some of them seem to have not been locked properly. And where do they lead? Outside.

That's right, for this last week your characters are free to discover that there is a glimpse of freedom at last! They can have full roam of the island. The island is semi-tropical and uninhabited except for birds and bugs, and not very big either. The characters could circle the entire island in a day or two. There still seems to be no way to get back into the mansion except the secret doors they can come out of, and the only other man-made structure on the island is a dock, which is free of any sort of boat. Have fun!))

All tennis balls have been found!

game: hide and seek

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