If its cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile

May 12, 2006 16:48

I got this from and I couldn't resist shobhna_guerin

List ten things you want to say to 10 people.
1. Don't say who the people are.
2. Feel free to comment, but I'm not confirming or answering anything (on here).
3. Tag 5 people to do the same

1. You've come across my mind more times then I count, and honestly the bitter racing through my veins cannot even begin to describe how I feel towards you. Maybe its because its the end of my senior year and I thought I'd be beside you, I thought I'd walk with you on that stage, that stage I think is cursed because of you. I thought it'd be forever. I often thought I couldn't go on without you, and its taken watching you, realizing how fake you are to figure out how stupid I was. I'll take full responsibility for believing you. I will say I used to not trust no one, and now I discovered how broken that part of me became, how much stronger that distrust became. And I have no problem saying you were the cause. I think of sophomore year, graduation and all the pain floods back. I can move out, move past it, but I can't forget. There's too many memories with your name scattered through. And I hate you for it, I hate that no matter where I go I remember a rainy day and laughter. It hurts, so much it bleeds.

2. Some days I think your the only person I can talk to and at the same time I cannot say a word. I remember last summer so clear, and I had so many great memories and it builds through the years. I love that no matter what happens your still my best friend, my first best friend. I love you to death, and I wish you would stand up for yourself. I wish you could see the strength you have and not feel restricted. I wish there was never a divider separating us all those years ago, I wish we hadn't been forced. I wish they never stopped talking, because my childhood, my life was built being around you and because of the ways adults mess things up we lost a friendship. And now as adults, we're fearful, we're stuck with never being allowed to talk without questioning. I love you so much, and during a difficult part of my life, you were the only light I had. The only person I could whisper my childhood fears too. Maybe our friendship will always be girls running around a pool and having ice cream. May we never grow up.

3. I wonder if we had been raised in the same situation, would we be so similar we couldn't stand each other. I love you and value you more than anybody else, I'm so proud of you. I wish you could say those words back, maybe we're both too stubborn. You've come so far from the kid who had no clue what he wanted to do with his life. Yet, there's this part of me wishes you didn't make me feel so tiny, that even though we grew up in different times, that maybe we could bridge that gap. Maybe never. I will always be that little girl chasing around the backyard, laughing with brown curls. I know regardless how we fight, how we act, we are each other's touch stone, that one day when we have years on us, you'll be one of the few people surrounding me. And as scary as that is, as long as I have you I think I can do it.

4. If someone told me you'd ever enter my life, I wouldn't know what to say but your one of my favorite people in the world. I love how I am with you, and I love us. I think your my Alex Whitman, which only a few people would even get that reference but for those who do, well you are that. I can never be sad when your beside me. I feel like my soul can soar, and there's this part of me wishes I could fall in love with someone like you, life would be so simple, but you know I'm not good at picking the easy route. Your encouraging words, make me feel so great, like I can achieve all my dreams and I feel like your honest to me. And I just wish everyone could see me the way you do.

5. Your seriously the sweetest person ever. I wish distance wasn't a factor and I wish life could be simple, but I love how simple life can be. I love how just laughing and watching movies are perfectly fine with you. It makes everything seem so carefree. I hope you gain your confidence and your dreams. No one deserve them as much as you do. I hope I'm right there to hear about it all ;)

6. I miss you, I miss you more than anybody in this world. I want my sophomore year back and I want to fix where I lost you. Your my mistake, my one regret that if I could fix this, that I'd fix that day I believed her over you, that I lost my mind. I want that friendship back so bad. Even though there's peace I feel too much time has past to just be us again, to gain that long lost friendship. I just feel I wouldn't be so lost if I had my solid ground again, and I forgot how much I depended on you through rough times. And when the waves came back this time I had to stand without you. And it was lonely, because I cried so many times on your shouldrs and that day, the day when I found you in tears, I followed you to class. I remember calling your name and that look. Why were hugs with you the best comfort? I miss my security blanket. Why did I let selfishness and fear lose you?

7. I love rants. I love the ability to speak my mind and feeling so safe. It was so refreshing and, it was amazing. All my frustrations became repetitive, and yours too but it felt so good, so carefree. I miss just that simple understanding. I miss seeing you everyday.

8. As much as I complained I love the way we were. I was able to be sarcastic and witty, and bitter to your big 'ideas'. It was like I could be the childish fantasy, that girl desperately wanting out, and you al;lowed me to play that part, that best friend by her side. Perky and happy. I hated you for a period, because I could never understand why you walked away and I caught a glimpse of it, now I understand. We grew up and grew apart, but it was like my childish soul came alive in renewing that friendship. I know we don't talk everyday, and I know you may not comment but there's a good chance your scanning this over and that even though distance and time lapse our friendship it never changed the dynamic. It will never change the summers I spent bitching all the way, but secretly, I loved every moment I spent with you.

9. This is my mean one, well the first one was, sort of, but I want to get this off my chest (even though your too self centered to read about anyone but yourself and most likely won't read this, but I want to say it). I really respected you and admired you, and I just cannot stand who you've become. I think your a hypocrite and your a fake. You created this image for yourself and left the person I liked. If I ever see you again, I probably wouldn't say a word to you. That might make me cold, but I really don't care.

10. Too much silence is misleading. I hate how things have gotten, but I'm too tired to fight you to know I'll watch you walk away. And I won't get the storybook ending I want with you. I remember last year (about now) realizing that you could be the one. It scared me, I wasn't going to do it, I wasn't going to fall. I ignored it, I pushed those feelings down and watched you leave that day. Mostly I wish I could go back and let the chemistry be purly a friendship. I wish I had been wiser. I wish I hadn't ignored my instintics. Your so much like me it scares me and I had gotten good at fighting you. So why can't I now? I don't understand why I can't open my mouth or write the e-mail I started six times and never could finish. I hate being the bigger person because I always have to be.

Sorry this is long, I'm going to put it in cut. Also all this people are to my life that have helped my life, even if I hate to admit it. Some of it isn't nice and sweet because some of those painful memories aren't.
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