More odd goings-on [Voice]

Jul 24, 2011 02:37

 Good Day to everyone ( Read more... )

pai-sho, pedagogical chatter, oldman rambles, tea

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no_use_running July 23 2011, 22:56:22 UTC
I'd like to learn Pai Sho. I enjoy chess back home.


theteadragon July 24 2011, 02:01:34 UTC
Ah, excellent Ms. Ami. Are you familiar with Go? The game is similar.


no_use_running July 24 2011, 02:05:40 UTC
I am. I used to play it back home in the park, occasionally. If you have a pai sho set, I'd like to try to learn. Whenever you prefer.


theteadragon July 24 2011, 02:37:01 UTC
I've made a set, actually. Perhaps we could meet somewhere later today and play outdoors? I'm rarely busy.


no_use_running July 24 2011, 02:56:47 UTC
Just name the time. I'll come for sure.


theteadragon July 24 2011, 05:52:37 UTC
How about around early afternoon? Its a little warm outside, but there are plenty of shade trees


no_use_running July 24 2011, 06:20:37 UTC
Early afternoon, then. I'll bring some cold drinks.


theteadragon July 24 2011, 08:46:39 UTC
Great! I'll see you there

[ooc: if you'd like to start an action, go for it. Otherwise I can =)]


[Action!] I can XD no_use_running July 24 2011, 08:50:45 UTC
[At the right time, Ami comes with an umbrella shading her against the sun, and holding a small cooler, presumably with drinks in it, in her other hand. The day Luceti got electricity - which she still remembers - was a good day.

The sight of Iroh ready to play makes her suddenly homesick somehow, and she makes a polite bow to him.]

Good afternoon.


Re: [Action!] I can XD theteadragon July 24 2011, 14:09:11 UTC
[Iroh has set up a small round board, with two piles of tiles on a folding table. The area is well shaded under a tree, but its still slightly muggy]

Good afternoon. Nice to see you again. [Iroh stands up and presses a fist into an upright hand, bowing in return, albeit in a traditional Fire Nation way]

Please, sit!


[Action!] no_use_running July 24 2011, 21:53:39 UTC
[She warms easily to his pleasant courtesy, and Ami seats herself across from Iroh, posture straight and proper as she puts the cooler down beside her.]

Thank you. Would you like a drink before we begin?


Re: [Action!] theteadragon July 25 2011, 06:53:00 UTC
[Iroh smiles back, glad to be with the quiet girl again]

Sure. Thank you Ami.


[Action!] no_use_running July 26 2011, 11:03:45 UTC
[Ami pours the drink readily, before settling back in her chair. She seems in no real hurry to begin the game, content to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere Iroh always seems to create.]


Re: [Action!] theteadragon July 26 2011, 12:51:20 UTC
[Iroh smiles, studying the young woman's face with a mixture of curiosity and genuine admiration. Ami had always reminded him of someone he'd known a long time ago, he just couldn't remember who]

Well, how have you been? I haven't seen you in a few weeks.


[Action!] no_use_running July 26 2011, 22:24:12 UTC
I've been well. [He reminds her a little of an old friend she knew back home, an older gentleman who'd enjoyed chess and dreamed of sharing that love with others.]

I don't know this game, so, I'll be in your care. Please teach me the rules.


Re: [Action!] theteadragon July 27 2011, 13:17:59 UTC
(OOC: Pai-sho is a super-complicated game, and the rules for it are entirely fan-made. I hope you don't mind me sort of handwaving it, because otherwise I think I'd be writing pages and pages]

Alright. Well, the first thing is the board and tiles. As you can see, there are two sets of tiles. We take turns either moving a tile, placing a tile, rotate the board, or passing.

[Iroh goes on to explain the basics of the game, slowly and carefully to make sure Ami understands everything]


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