Texts From Yesterday

May 15, 2010 12:11

This text conversation was just too funny not to share. And yes, I asked permission before posting this.

So you were in my dreams last night! We went to this big maze building and at the end was this 15 lane wide pool. You started doing laps. I left. Got locked out. My brother was sent to let me in. Then the owner of the building told me to kill you.

Lmao. I wonder what that dream meant! Do you secretly want me dead?

I refused to kill you. Was funny watching the pink hair bob along back and forth

So you didn't kill me because you were amused by my swimming?

It was hilarious. :) youre too cute to die.

Aw, why thank you. Ill return the favor by not killing you in a dream someday.

Soooooo....now it's your time to play psychologist! Analyze that dream! Without knowing who texted me this, what does this dream mean? Have fun with it.
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