The Long Awaited San Francisco Entry

Mar 27, 2010 14:38

It's been a while since I have actually updated my journal. I've been super busy! Hopefully by now you have all watched The Welcome Package, my first attempt at youtube humor. While you are there, be sure and subscribe to my new youtube channel smallcamerabigworld. True, I'll be posting everything here. But if you subscribe, you'll make me feel special. You want me to feel special, don't you?

Ok, enough self-promotion-masturbation. Let's make this an actual journal entry, shall we? Last Sunday (3/14/10) I flew to San Francisco for a week long work training class. When I landed, I was extremely tired. I had worked 5:00 am - 3:30 pm on Saturday, packed, went to Rocky, drove home, and then my aunt picked me up to take me to the airport on Sunday morning. No sleep! Let me just say this...Red Bull is my friend. Rather than napping when I landed, I took the BART train into San Francisco. I shot a short video of my adventure, but you'll have to wait on that one. The first day I mainly stayed around Pier 39 and Fisherman's Warf. I love Fisherman's Warf, but I am done with Pier 39. Too many tourists! (teehee, I feel like a local) I ate a whole crab and six raw oysters at Fisherman's Warf. Yum.

Everyday after class, I went into the city. Monday I went to China Town. I saw a sign for a free tea tasting and went in. A little while later, a couple came in and sat near me. We started chatting. They asked me how often I come up into San Francisco. I told them about once a year (not nearly often enough). I asked how often they come into LA. "Oh, not very often. Last time I was there, I stayed with a friend. He's part of one of the LA Rocky Horror casts," the male said.
My ears perked up. I couldn't hide my smile, "Really? Which cast?"
"Oh, I'm not sure," he said.
"Midnight Insanity? Sins O' The Flesh? Wild And Unta..."
"Oh! Sins O' The Flesh!" he said.
I extended my hand to them, "Hi, my name is Sarah! I'm from Sins O' The Flesh!"
Their jaws dropped, "Hi I'm Matt. This is my girlfriend Karson. We're from Barely Legal!"
I then extended my hand to them again, "Hi, my name is Sarah! I'm guest trixie-ing at Barely Legal this Saturday!"
We then chatted for the rest of the time we were in the tea tasting place. When we parted ways we said, "Bye! See you Saturday!"

Small world, eh?

Tuesday I went back to Fisherman's Warf for another crab.

Wednesday (St Patrick's Day) I went into the Castro District for the first time. Incase you aren't aware, the Castro District is the "fabulous" part of San Francisco. I had dinner at a really tasty sushi restaurant called Osaka. Really tasty. If you are ever in the area, I highly recommend this place. Their sushi is a bit fruitier (pun not intended?) than what I'm used to. The rolls had bits of mango, grapes, and even kiwi sauce. Very tasty. Afterwards, I went to a drag show at a bar called Lookout. THAT was entertaining.

This was my favorite drag queen (but not favorite routine), Chastity Bell --

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I thought this routine was really amusing --

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I even learned a new word: faux queen! Meet the fabulous Trixxie Carr --

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Please note, these videos are saved to my OLD youtube channel teaofthegreen.

My classmates all stayed near the hotel the entire week. They celebrated St Patrick's Day by going to Hooters. So boring! I can do that at home! They got into the habit of asking me what I did each night. When I told them I went to a drag show on St Patrick's day, they all laughed and said that they would have gone with me if I had asked. Yeah right.

Thursday I didn't go into the city. I stayed at the hotel to pack. I had to be checked out of the hotel Friday morning before class started. Friday after class, one of my classmates gave me a ride into the city. I then checked into my second hotel. I was feeling really tired. I went to my favorite Thai Noodle place. Then I walked around the Union Square area. I went back to my hotel and went to sleep very early.

Saturday, bradbrp joined me for San Francisco adventures. We attempted to go to Alcatraz, but it was sold out. Instead we rented bikes and biked across the Golden Gate Bridge. Even though I cannot win, here is my Sins Con t-shirt submission:

Then we walked the bikes UP and DOWN Lombard St (What the hell Bob!?! What the hell!?!?!)

Saturday night was Rocky with Barely Legal. I guest trixie'd. You ready for this?

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So...ya. The zipper broke on my favorite vintage dress. bra came unhooked. Because Barely Legal only goes down to bra and panties...I was NOT wearing pasties. Luckily, the audience only some underboob. Right after my trixie, I cut my hand on the wall. Yes, I am a walking mess. I'll do better next time, k?

Sunday we went on a boat ride under the Golden Gate Bridge and around Alcatraz. We took Bradwinkle. I should probably put these under a cut before people get mad at me for posting too many photos. So,

Sunday evening we went to the Castro District, ate sushi, and went to a gay bar (Lookout, again). Sadly, it was dead on a Sunday night.

Monday, I was alone again. I wandered around the city until it was time to leave for the airport. For fun, I had my fortune told to me by a "psychic." More on that later. I only have an hour left of work and I need to…*gasp* WORK.

Anyway, I'm back in LA. I've been back in LA for almost a week. Blah. Nothing interesting to report this week. I'm missing San Francisco. I'm thinking of moving there in a few years. You'll come visit me, won't you?

OH YA...How was the work training class? Meh. Ok. I keep forgetting I went to San Francisco for a training class.

travel, san francisco, red bull gives you wings, video, photos, work, rocky horror

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