New York City Adventure pt 2

Feb 06, 2010 11:10

I meant to post this sooner, but I have been insanely busy juggling work and that not so secret project. But, let's back track. I last told you of my New York adventures on Wednesday January 28th. So, I pick up with my continued adventures on Thursday January 29th.

As I previously mentioned, we woke up to discover that it was snowing. Not wanting to miss a single promo opportunity, Sean and I ran outside to shoot this short video:

image Click to view

We almost didn't get to go into NYC that day. Nearly every route out of deadboxoffice's neighborhood was blocked by a car accident. We made it though. And thus began the second day of our grand New York Adventure.

First we walked up to the Chrysler Building while waiting for the pizzas to come out of the oven at a pizza place. At the pizza place we were joined up by bradbrp who had flown in from Seattle.

Sean found a cigar store.

We went to the top of the Empire State Building.

View from the top of the Empire State Building 1

View from the top of the Empire State Building 2

View form the top of the Empire State Building 3

Sean, behave yourself!

But...but....I want to throw children off the Empire State Building. It's the American Dream!

We stumbled across this 9-11 memorial.

A real New York City pigeon!

We took a boat out to see the Statue of Liberty

A real New York City seagull!

Lady Liberty

Promo Op -- It was so windy, my hair would not stay out of my face!

Parking Lot WTF

Later, we met up with laurajonesy and deadboxoffice for dinner. Two cups may or may not have been taken from the restaurant. Not saying it happened. I'm just saying it's a possibility.

After a brief stop at deadboxoffice's house to re-pack, deadboxoffice, bradbrp, laurajonesy, Sean and I made the drive to Morristown New Jersey. Five people (plus luggage) made it a very cramped trip. My Janet hat box sat on its side on my lap because there was nowhere else for it. But, we made it just fine. We checked into the hotel at about 10:30 pm. We went to our various rooms and then met back up in room 415 where other early con-goers were gathering. It was very good to see tat2edsdgirl and zzyxx_rd. I also met many new and wonderful people including (but not limited to) irishrose888 and giggles87.

It didn't take long for hotel security to show up claiming that there had been a noise complaint. Everyone who was not a registered guest of the room was asked to leave. If the room received another noise complaint, the registered guests would be kicked out of the hotel. Lame. We weren't even making a whole lot of noise! The security guard suggested that we hang out in the hotel lobby. Did we? Of course not. We scattered and then met up in a different room on a different floor. We did not get kicked out of the second room. sophoclesg and Jackie finally arrived to the party. At some point ronmaxwell and hilarymax joined the party. Using only his mouth, ronmaxwell removed Mitten's belt, unbuttoned his pants and unzipped his fly -- all on a dare. I know sophoclesg got video of this. Hopefully he will upload it soon. Other shenanigans occurred, but I won't post about those.

And thus ended the last day of New York and the first evening of Larry Con.

To be continued...

conventions, travel, video, vacation, photos, rocky horror

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