General Weekend Update -- Because Life Only Happens On The Weekends

Nov 17, 2009 22:22

I've been a bit distracted lately, so I'm FINALLY uploading photos from Halloween weekend at Rocky.

Friday night was crazy. I had to go from this make-up... this make up!

Saturday (Halloween) I had to go from Edward Scissorhands make-up to Janet make-up.

Anyway, enough about Halloween. That was half a month ago!

This weekend was busy...and tons of fun. Friday morning I went on a Goldline adventure with alfygnosis. This time we toured Little Tokyo. We found a delicious restaurant that serves various kinds of raw (and sometimes cooked) fish on a bowl of rice. I had Salmon, Sea Urchin, and Eel! It was so good. I want more. Friday evening I drove with alfygnosis, acrobg, prokrstn8r, and ccbirdy84 to San Diego to see Crazed Imaginations. Not only was it Friday the 13th, but it was also Lingerie Night! I dressed as a zombie in lingerie. I was a finalist in the lingerie contest and got a vagina lollypop.

Saturday I randomly decided to wear my vintage blue swimsuit before Rocky. I ran around the theater, pretending to swim. I don't know why exactly...but I was in an extremely good mood. During Bernie's pre-show, alfygnosis ccbirdy84 and I made ice cream in a coffee can behind the stage. didn't completely turn into ice cream. We only managed a shake. But it was a darn tasty shake! I didn't change my clothes in time for walk-down, so I did walk down wearing my swimsuit and Janet hat. I was changed by the start of wedding scene though. The show went really well. I was just happy to be there and had lots of fun. Every time I looked at the audience, they seemed to be smiling. Guess I'm not the only one who was having a good time.

Sunday I went to Dim Sum with sakira_ka. I don't see that girl enough. We ate many tasty things. I don't go to Dim Sum enough.

Afterwards I went to my Uncle Stan and Aunt Kim's house. Kim had invited me over for "Dinner and Dexter." I got to visit with the chickens for a little while before the sun went down. I'm so amused by those chickens!

For dinner we had stuffed bell peppers and lasagna. I brought over a bottle of 2006 Laetitia Reserve Pinot Noir. It was very very good. Afterwards we watched Dexter. Kim mentioned the possibility of making this a weekly tradition...atleast until this season of Dexter is over.

Now I'm at work. It's only Tuesday. Is it the weekend yet? I'm hungry. But I've already had dinner. Blah. I want to go home. Or I want something to eat. Either one.

wine, video, photos, rocky horror

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