Thoughts about Fahrenheit. 9/11

Jul 05, 2004 11:31

Propaganda sounds just as dumb coming out of Moore's mouth as it does coming out of Bush's.

Moore follows a woman named Lila who encouraged her son to go into the army and supported the Iraq war. When her son is killed she is angry with Bush and changes her mind about the war. Moore doesn't take to her to task about her views causing her sons death.

The final premise is that we were all duped by Bush about the war. The problem with that argument is, of course, that no one was duped. Moore is giving those people who got caught up in "war fever" an easy way out. The type of people Moore is giving the pass to is the same type of people that supported Hitler's invasion of Poland. Moore's propaganda piece will only serve to reprogram not reform.

One of my favorite scene's was an old iraqi woman crying out to god to punish the americans. It seems its the only thing left for her. No earthly institution will give her justice.
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