Dec 30, 2010 23:23
See, I still have a use for you Livejournal! As for my usual tradition, I will recap my previous year's resolutions before making an entirely new list of laughable bullshit to fail at this year. Here we go
These were my 2010 resolutions:
1. Mandatory: learn to drive - Ummmm it's mandatory FOR REAL this time
2. Get strait A's on my final semester- Half way, coulda done it if I wasn't working so much
3. Get hired to work in Japan this year - Um, fail.
4. Read more- Yes, after I graduated I could go to the library and have time to read and research. I go ever Monday or Tuesday.
5. Write more - A bit, but not what I was invisioning.
6. Draw more - ditto
7. Finish more projects rather than start too many new ones - Umm, fail, well I didn't start any new ones at least.
8. Focus more on the type of woman I want present myself as - Yes, I'm making some strides in being a well dressed and respectable lady and I have a new respect for the function of feminine aesthetic. I still have a long way to go though.
9. Exercise more - Though not structured I bike a lot and go up 12 flights of stairs a day during my commute because MARTA has given up on fixing escalators.
10. Find more excuses to hang out with people - Check, but I still need more excuses.
11. Go to at lest one out of town convention before going to Japan - I may yet be able to fulfill this next year since I really really really REALLY want to go to Katsucon.
12. Cook at home more - well I don't, but my boyfriend does, and I'm fine with that.
One to my new Resolutions for 2011 in no particular order:
1. Learn how to drive, I know I say it ever year, and that I mean it every year, but this year I really mean it and I'll buy you a drink next New Year's Eve if you point it out to me at the bar. Then you will still have to drive me home, cuz I can't drive.
2. Get down to a 35 hour work week.
3. Dedicate myself to a 15-20 hours a week Studio work.
4. Submit to a minimum of 10 visual/graphic contests.
5. Submit to a minimum of 2 juried exhibitions.
6. Apply to a minimum of 3 Artist Residency programs.
7. Attend a minimum of 4 cons/festivals, AND have new work to show.
8. Update my studio image and name to better match my creative vision.
9. Finish a viable business plan.
10. Make more birthday cards.
11. Be nicer to my Mom.
12. Stop complaining so much.
13. Be more organized and regimented.
14. Be more social.