My hear is totally breaking over the
DC Metro accident. I used to ride that exact train and route every day. My heart goes out to the friends and family of those lost in this tragic event. It is unfortunate because I consider Metro one of the best public transit systems in the country. I feel like metro is a great source of pride to Washingtonians and the envy of people in major cities with sub-par systems. When people leave DC I'm sure they miss their quick and efficient Metro, I know I did. For this system to have such a disaster where a train rear ends a stationary one at full speed with no sign that the breaks were ever engaged or disabled is disturbing. If this isn't proof positive of the stimulus money allocated for public transit is more than necessry.
In other news I'm gearing up to move on Saturday. Drew and I are hiding out at GSU while our landlord fixes the gaping hole in our former bedroom's ceiling that has been exposed since he removed the sunroof 7 months ago. But now I'm getting a message that I have to work tonight so I guess I'll get a taco and go home and get my stuff. Out.