
May 08, 2006 00:24

Well, it's been a pretty busy month so far. Business is good at the gyms, I've run a half marathon and I may try to squeeze in a marathon before the year's over sometime in the fall when it's a little cooler out. I've never really felt better as far as running goes, I think part of that is also due to the fact that I've started shambhala meditation as well. The data in some studies do indicate that runners benefit from meditation in a couple of ways - 1) higher lactate threshold, i.e. you can work harder than you previously could without the "burn" any athlete knows that is the result of lactic acid buildup in your muscles. A cool side effect is thanks to a higher lactic threshold I've had breakthroughs on my running economy pace (there's three training paces, from fastest to slowest are your VO2 max, lactic threshold or LT, and running economy or RE). I keep a journal of what I do each day along with the VO2, LT or RE next to it. RE training is basically maintenance. You're not making your heart any more capable of supplying oxygen to your muscles but you're not slipping either. You can figure out the benefits of the other two. The other benefit 2) is better recovery time.

Another change is I turned 26 on May 2, which also happened to be Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock) and David Beckham's birthday. My friend Lindsey said I'm a likely candidate to be a DILF (dad I'd like to fuck). That was pretty flattering so I guess I should thank my parents for good genes (unless I happen to get cancer or diabetes later, in which case I'll probably curse them, just kidding). I don't really feel any older and I run into friends from high school sometimes and it surprises me how badly some of them have aged, and I don't mean everyone's bald, or everyone's fat, or anything like that. I think the biggest factors are probably stress, activity level, diet and genetics. Just how I don't feel 26, I've been told I don't look it either. That's good news I guess. However, some older woman that works at the movies still cards me for some reason even though I seriously doubt I look like I'm under 17.

The last change is I left the linkshell I'd been in for almost two years since the beginning of it, Outspoken. A few weeks ago I had talked to some of my fellow members and leaders of the linkshell and also in a couple of posts on our forums delineated what I thought was happening in the linkshell and also what improvements could be made. Nothing changed, and I got the feeling nothing was going to change either so instead of staying somewhere I wasn't happy to be and excited to log in to everyday, I joined another linkshell - JourneysEnd, where I also had a bunch of friends and people I've known for a long time. I'm not going to say anything negative about Outspoken - it's a very talented & capable linkshell and I wish them all the best in the future. When other people have left there is usually a drama-filled post, filled with who they liked, who was a dick/who was a bitch, etc. That's pretty tempting for anyone but ultimately it doesn't make anyone feel better and doesn't benefit anyone's situation, mine or Outspoken's. It just was not the place for me anymore. One thing I don't understand is some of the things I have heard since I've left. It's pretty amazing the things people will say I guess. The other thing I had heard was people couldn't understand why I left, as if there was no particular reason, like I had left on a whim. People that know me, know that I am not impulsive. I explained to a few people some of the reasons I had left and they were all pretty understanding. I'd also like to thank JE for making me feel at home. If anyone has any more questions, feel free to send me a /tell.

Lastly, tonight JE did Dynamis-Buburimu. We got the clear with 25 people, and some pretty decent drops:
Wyrm Belt x 2 - Belgerald, Stryffe
Koga Tekko -1 - Skydknight
Monster Gloves -1 - Sorted to Kyan, probably tossed
Abyss Gauntlets -1 - Sorted to Proc, probably tossed

Got to try out some Nightmare Mandragoras (little bastards, they're more buffed than the Enhanced Mandragoras in Temenos W), and Nightmare Cockatrices ("that enough cock for you?"). Good job everybody. :)
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