Nov 03, 2004 11:52
Alright its a dissapointing day and a sad day. Im not sure if im going to like the next 4 years. I aint never scurred but right now im scurred. I dont like Bush and I dont like his collegues for several reasons. But I think America has made a big mistake. But thats what we get with the freedom of choice. But here are my opinons on this stuff even though most of you dont care.
War in Iraq/Terroism- I feel ten times worst with Bush in power. I feel this way because Bush has this western/GI JOE cartoon philosophy of the war. People dont understand the severity of the situation or see both sides. We are dealing with a culture of people who will do anything to get at us including running planes into buildings. You think they are going to give up this fight. We would have to kill them all and that is just impossible since we seem to be making more of them everyday. Thats why more people have joined the war against us since technically the war has been over. It doesnt make any sense. Its also what Osama Bin laden wants. Think about it he knows that America doesnt have the support of the world. He knows that America is having trouble in Iraq and he knows that America has a very little chance of winning this war with out the aid of the other countries. Bush isnt going to get that aid unless he admits his mistakes and quits acting like a fucktard(highly unlikely). America alone in Iraq is a big uh-oh for everyone and could be a heartache for alot more people.
DRAFT-Alright I dont trust that man. Every word that has come out of his mouth about this war has been a lie and why should we belive him about this. Now the coaliton that bush that talks about so strong hates us for bringing them into this war. Britain hates us and they hate Bush. The also hate Tony Blair their prime minister. Unlike us they dont get fooled by fancy talk and bullshit. They know this war is wrong and if things dont change next year someone who is on a anti-bush/anti american plattform will win. Taking away the little troops that Britain has over there. Where are we going to get the troops to take their place. Yup a draft. So all you fucktards that voted for bush should be the first to sign up.
Abortion-Abortion is wrong and it is evil. But you dont stop abortion by telling people they cant do it. Hello we have all done stuff that we arent supposed to do drinking/unprotected sex/smoking/drugs(not at the same time and maybe you havent but you have done at least one on the list.) My point is people are going to have abortions no matter what. Its a sad truth but id rather have someone go about it in a safe manner than doing it in a back alleyway by someone wanting to make a few hundred bucks and just uses a coat hanger(very sad). I would love to have a world that doesnt have abortions but id rather there be a place where people can go and do it safely and not worry about putting their lives on the risk. Secondly i dont want to know how many people want to have a vacum cleaner stuck you know where and have the insides being sucked out. Not to many people.
2nd point on all that- We need to have healthcare and a good economy for people. So the decison can be easier for them. A kid with a job and healthcare will be able to have a kid. Someone with out those will more likely to have an abortion. Thus explaining why the abortion rate has gone up in America under Bushes control. Sad but true.
3rd point-How many people in Iraq including woman and children have been killed. 100,000 iraqis have been killed not all have been people fighting Americans.
Gay marriage- People are made. God made everyone. No sane person would choose the torment and the persecution that Gay people get. It sucks that we have to exclude them for who they are. They are people and good people. If two man or two woman want to be married then we will let them. There are tons of heterosexual couples who get divorced every year and dont hold the sanctity of marriage. Let them be who they are and let them live how God meant them to live.
So now we face 4 more years of lies and bullshit. Plus we are playing into the terroist hands cuz our president is a retard. I aint never scurred but now I am. So lets just see where these 4 years takes us and lets pick up the pieces when its all said and done.