Jan 07, 2003 12:29
I hate it when you are broken up with and you have no idea what was wrong--why the person changed their mind about being with you and if there is any possible way that things will change. I hate it. Especially when you thought that everything was the greatest. And it really sucks when the person wants to keep your friendship and do all the things you did before when you were dating...do they not understand that it's painful???? Anyway...
Sorry i haven't updated in so long--I had a busy and somewhat relaxing break and last quarter was sooooo frickin busy, I was glad if I remembered to eat, let alone update my journal. So my credential program is good--I take over my 7th grade Algebra Prep class after the semester break and I am hoping that everything goes well. I am scared, but I think things will go well.
My roommate got engaged before xmas so there is wedding stuff all over the place--it makes me sick. My other roommate found mouse droppings on our STOVE!!!!!! and we set out mouse traps and not but 3 hours after we did, we heard a SNAP! from downstairs--we called April's male friends to come and help us out...it was disgusting...
That's about all I have time for--gotta go meet with my advisor, but I promise I will write more soon...now that I don't have someone to take up all my time. ;) Have a good day!