...In Richard Feynman's book "The Pleasure of Finding Things Out", he relates a time when he discovered that he can count at a rhythmic pace while doing anything other then talking. (Read the book, I might have details a little wrong) When he told this to a friend he was amazed to discover that that friend could talk while counting at a rhythmic pace, but the friend could not look at other things. Turns out Feynman is a verbal thinking, and was saying numbers to himself, while the friend was counting by imagining a number line, and "looking" at each number as it went by...
...That is very interesting. I noticed many years ago that I almost subconsciously use my fingers and hands to recall the spelling of complicated words by making the finger motions I would do if I were to type the words on a keyboard. They are very subtle movements, I'm not doing any kind of crazy hands-in-mid-air maniac kinda thing. :)...
...I actually visualise monads in Haskell as two... I guess spaces embedded in each other (return as one embedding, computations as haskell values as the other), with one space being 'ordinary haskell' and the other having some additional specific structure that amounts to >>=....
Это же просто песня!
"Я использую движения пальцев для того, чтобы вспомнить произношение сложных слов..."
"А я рассуждаю о монадах с помощью визуализации..."