Mar 27, 2017 08:18
aaahhh, my old journal. its almsot like you smell liek and old book. as usual I am toing to type relaly fast. not correct any spelling errors. cause I am lazy in the morning. and hope i know what I am talking about later on down the road.
so yeah. whats been going on in the last year. well, this weekend was different. hung out with a freind ted on friday. never hung out before but it was cool. going thru a lot of heart break. luckily I am getting over mine. seems to be a constant in my entries huh?
saturday hung out iwth jessica and tried to find something to do but jsut didnt pan out. and laid aroudn all sunday.
been flying my drone a lot and writing music. getting ready to release the new album.
so catch up. went to europe ..agian in november. before that had a girlfriend for about 2 months and that was a complete disaster. but along with the craziness of teresa and such. and some thereapy I have discovered soem things that make you look at the world way different. the last girl I dated ended so bad it left me in a bit of a fix for a while. I was so wierd I couldnt make sense of it. you start to this the type I am going to attrack from now on? I just have to break the cycle and I did. what i have discoverd are patterns. teresa was a borderline and after all I have researched...rena was a narcissist. if you know anything aobut know they are not to be fucked with. its not some buzz word. its scary shit. reana bit me up and bit the shit out of me. heard me right. along with a list of other wierd shit that happened. but oddely enough...I mourned her for so long. longer than I actually knew her. why...cause in the beginning she sold herself as this beautiful person. and honestly..I fell in love with her. but thats kind of my weakness I think. wow...i am glad no one really reads these anymore. I sound liek a complete fool. and along with the lack of spell checking and grammar I probably sound like a retard as well.
but yeah....thats a summary of the last 6 months.
oh!!! but lets not forget my back. in ireland I noticed my left leg was a little stiff. I aquated it to getting in and out of the right side of the car and driving on the left side of the road. dude....its rougher that you think. anyway...slowly over 2 months it got stiffer and stiffer. and then painfull...then holy shit painful. I have never been so scared or in more pain in my life!!!!! it was a bulging/herniated disk. I could barely walk for 2 months. and the pain was un fucking real. its still a bit stiff to wlaking around but thank god its slowly..a.nd I mean..slowly taking it ssweet fucking time healing.
its weird. I already feel better writing. it weird how we dont do what is good for us. I remember so much more of my life when I journal it down. it makes it so the days dont seem to stream inot one and disapeer. facebook is cool but there is no connection like I used to have with people here. it was an exclusive little culture. I really enjoyed it. but times change and thats what happens.
anyway...any of you that are still out there. take care! remind me to write if you can!