May 29, 2013 22:36
The mamas did INDEED go into labor on the same day. Seriously. I felt it coming and it came. My back up went to the overdue VBAC. She broke her water at 6 a.m. was complete by noon and had the baby around 6 p.m. Six hours of pushing people. Baby was HUGE and hung up on her pubic bone and she was epiduraled and limited in what positions she could try. GHC could have called it, but they didn't. They let her rest and labor down and try a kazillion different positions and I guess what finally worked was laying the bed down so that the head was lower, and putting her in the turtle on its back position and literally having her push UP HILL. Exactly the position that is supposed to be the worst ever, right? Hands and knees was the actual correct answer, but she just couldn't hold herself up with numb legs. Now that I know the details of that birth, I'm kind of glad she isn't the mama who called first.
The birth I did go to broke her water (leaked her water) at 1 a.m. and it was green. So she went in. Boo. No contractions. Just PROM and waiting and waiting. They kept coming in and saying Pitocin and she just kept saying, nope. We tried everything and I do mean EVERYTHING to get labor going, even some nipple stim on the DL, but nothing kicked her into real labor. The nipple stim did work, but we couldn't keep it up for long because the nurse would always come into the room when contractions started. Blah.
So by 6:30 p.m. my back up has texted me to let me know the VBAC baby has already been VBACed and here I am sitting at a birth where the mama doesn't even have contractions yet. She finally agreed to pit at 7 p.m., 18 hours after rupture. We have no idea what she started at because they were WONDERFUL about leaving her alone, no checks for a non-contracting ruptured mama. :-) So she finally went into labor around 8 p.m. and her baby was in her arms at 1:51 a.m. No epidural. It was amazing and inspiring and beautiful and one of my best births. I was so happy to be there. I just probably didn't need to be there since 7 a.m. :-P (They wanted my expertise in getting labor started naturally)
Oh, and while all of this was going on, Stephen texted me to let me know that our car had died. So on Tuesday we bought a new one. But that will have to be a post for another time.
omg yay!