Jun 15, 2009 12:46
I weighed 140 before I got pregnant (which is pretty high for me, I'm 5'4 and generally like to be between 125-135 ... if you'll remember several people suspected/downright ASKED if i was pregnant before i actually was)
My high for the pregnancy was 166, the week before Allison was born. (I went down to 165 the day before she was born)
The day after she was born, I was 155, which makes sense considering she was about 8 1/2 pounds, plus placenta and amniotic fluid.
Starting about two to three weeks her birth, I was getting the WOW, you look great comments. You know, OMG, I can't believe you just had a baby a few weeks ago, I hate you, etc.
So I stepped on the scale again and was 145ish. WOW. Only five pounds above my prepregnancy weight!!!! Just from breastfeeding. No exercise or diet limitations whatsover. In fact, I was eating like a horse. Anything in sight times 100 million.
It's nice to be me, I thought. Yay for wearing my old clothes again so soon, I look smashing, etc. etc. etc. Soon this belly will be gone gone gone, just in time for swim suit season! YAY!!!!!
ha ha ha ha ha.
so would someone like to tell me how/why i've managed to gain 10 pounds BACK AGAIN in the last two months? Seriously, I'm BACK in my maternity clothes, my belly looks like it did when she was only 10 days old. And I'm starving all the time (I eat about three times as much as Stephen does these days, NO JOKE!!!!!) it's not just comfort eating either, I feel physically faint if I don't stuff calories in my face every two or three hours. I've been afraid to restrict anything because I truly believe that my body should be listened to and followed, and that if I'm feeling like I need all this food, then I must actually need it. The last thing I want to do is endanger my daughter's health by messing with my milk supply at exactly the time that it switches from hormone driven to supply and demand only.
But why did I lose all that weight so fast in the first place? And how can I get this belly to start going back down again? Slowly is fine, but still, we need to at least be headed in the correct direction. My high school reunion is in August, and it sure would be nice to not have to wear maternity clothes to that ...