Ben will be 2 years old next month. According to "the plan" I was going to begin gentle, mother-led weaning, in order for me to gain my fertility back so we can be ready to TTC later next year. And for awhile, it really looked like Ben was cutting back and outgrowing nursing on his own. It was a bittersweet feeling. I was sad, but proud. But now, he's upped his "otherside" requests significantly. And I'm at a loss. I love nursing. I want another baby. I don't want weaning to be traumatic for Ben, but I'm not willing to wait until he self-weans to TTC.
I know he has to grow up eventually. I just want to remember this time with love, and not as a power-struggle ...
Weaning stories, anyone?
Also, these articles were linked in the breastfeeding community. Check 'em out!
HHS Toned Down Breast-Feeding Ads The White House vs. Mother's Milk The second one is better but they are both good.