One of my friends posted a poll the other day asking why her readers like lj. And obviously my reponse was long and confussing, even to me. But one of the things I got to thinking about after reading her entry and all the responses, is that I'm not nearly as outgoing in the blogsphere as I'd like to be. This girl has more than 100 friends and she's only been on lj for two years. I've been on lj for five years and up until the last few months, hardly ever added anybody ever. It wasn't that I didn't want friends and readers, it was that I was too scared to go out there and say, HI! to people I didn't know. I was thrilled when someone asked to friend me, but bad at saying anything first.
So yesterday, I sucked it up and searched for bloggers I might like to be friends with. I found Carrie, who has two blogs,
Rantings of a Woman and
Jabber Jaws. I cracked up when I realized that she is a friend of
bcmom because that isn't even how I found her. Ha ha ha. Small small world out there.
Anyway, I said hi to several new people yesterday and am pretty happy that some of them stopped by and are willing to trade links and become friends. Go me!