In case you're confuzzled, the kitty in my icon is Synergy, who was my cat for 16 years. She passed away in 2004. Now, we have Blinx and Abby. There have been some requests for photos of them, but for some reason, I don't seem to have any of Abby. Sorry. I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm holding a camera and she wanders by. Until then, here's two of Blinx and one of Ben.
Click this one, even if you don't click the others. Trust me, it's worth it.
My husband is crazy. He put a teddy bear's shirt (from our build-a-bear that Brad got us) on the cat and made me take a picture. I did it because I didn't want to sit there and argue with him while Blinx suffered any longer than was necessary.
Nothing special about this photo. Just Ben. That's it, that's what he looks like. :-)