Windshield Wipers

Jan 24, 2012 09:19

     The card chosen today from the Illuminated Tarot is one from the major arcana, "Judgment:"

Men, women and children rise from their graves at the sound of an trumpet being blown by an angel.  It's hard for the average person not to see this card from a christianized perspective - that of being judged for one's deeds.  For me personally, I see it as a wake-up call.  One of those moments when life suddenly becomes very clear, like turning on your windshield wipers in the middle of a downpour.  It may be that I become aware of a pattern I have been repeating, and can now make choose to do something different.  Or it may be that I suddenly become aware of how my thoughts and actions affect others, of our interconnection.  That which was hidden (or that I simply chose not to see) is now in the open offering clarity.  These insights can't help but bring about a change in my life.

The card pulled from the Dreaming in Color deck today is "Depression:"

The lack of color in this image emphasizes the "black and white" thinking that is so common with depression.  There is no balance in the middle, leaving only apathy and a feeling of lethargy.  Added to the tarot card of Judgment above, I can see how it would be easy to arrive at this dark place.  "Look at the mess I've made with my life; I'm so stupid to have repeated the same mistake/made such a decision."  Such thinking will keep me immobile, unable to adjust my life.  Instead, I could experience a sense of freedom with these discoveries, realizing my blinders have been removed.  I have the chance to make new choices, or I can just wallow in self-pity.

judgment, depression

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