elgaladwen. Sorcerous Evil (I'm sorry that the picture is
messed up) - "Enchanting and full of
mystique you are beautiful but lethal. Without
even lifting a finger you can decimate
thousands of humans. You are the epitomy of
total annihilation, but despite all that you
can be quite charming in your own way."
What type of evil being are you inside? brought to you by
Quizilla You're the Warrior Woman!
What woman out of fantasy literature are you? brought to you by
Quizilla "Given a piece of steel, a shield, and enough armor, you're invincible. Direct and confident, you don't use men to get what you want -- you go out and do it. Jealous people might call you a tomboy. The Warrior Woman is less idealistic and more action-oriented than the Lady Knight."
I selected a lot of the "bookish" answers but not enough. This warrior should wear a helmet.