Your BrainHex Class is
Your BrainHex Sub-Class is
You like finding strange and wonderful things or finding familiar things as well as collecting anything you can collect or doing everything you possibly can.
According to your results, there are few play experiences that you strongly dislike.
Learn more about your classes and exceptions at
Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:
Seeker: 19
Achiever: 18
Conqueror: 14
Socialiser: 12
Daredevil: 6
Mastermind: 5
Survivor: 2
Go to to learn more about this player model, and the neurobiological research behind it.
BrainHex - Seeker “I wonder what's out there...”
You like finding strange and wonderful things, or finding familiar things.
Your behaviour often shows curiosity, sustained interest, and a love of stimulating your senses.
Your major brain regions are the hippocampus (where memory is co-ordinated) and the various sensory cortices where vision, sound and so forth are processed.
Your chemical messenger is endomorphin, which is chemically related to opium, and has been linked to interest.
If you were an animal, it would be a cat.
Favourite games of Seekers surveyed so far include Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy, Grim Fandango, Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, and Zelda.