Just quizzes

Feb 11, 2007 19:53


What Fantasy Race Are You?

You're a dwarf!! Quick to temper, quick to drink, quick to tell a tale. You're stout and short.. You're extremely strong.. And love jewels, metal, anything that can come from a mine... And Hate elves.. you're almost opposites... But that's alright.. Who needs those tree dwelling pansies anyhow? Right?
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I love this movie:

What fantasy movie are you?

You are The Neverending Story! You prefer to retreat into your world of books then to face the bullies of life.
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Where Did Your Soul Originate?

You come from the Future. Your soul came from a different time, far in the future. You're just a little bit a head of everyone else and you're constantly wondering what lies ahead.
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science fiction, swag, art, futuristic, film, literature, quizzes, d&d, fantasy

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