I'd still rather have you

Aug 31, 2009 21:55

Sometimes, I feel like I miss the old days. Days where I partied hard, and almost drowned from lethargy just from vibrating to the music. Days where I go to school , but don't feel like school at all. Days where school was in fact to me, a mini playground, where I constantly had to run out from lectures to run errands for my soccer team or to meet the student affair officers. Days where I discover friendship in a whole new perspective, and I cry and get hurt, then I found a trustworthy shoulder to cry on, then get deceived with lies and get hurt again. Days where home, became solely a sleeping ground, because more than half the time, I'm outside the house in a company of "friends" or true friends. Days where boys, were indeed BOYS, and dating became the hardest game to play for me because I have 'trust' issues.

It's strange to reminisce sometimes, because I cannot believe some of the things that I've been through, to get to where I am today. It's strange that so much has actually happened, but I still feel that there's more to come.

But whatever that has happened, I know (and I believe), I'm a better person now. I have met the man that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, amidst all the crazy shit that has happened in the past. And I can confidently say, that I found him. I have found a path in my life, and I have found a direction. I have my family that kills me with all their insanity sometimes, but family are family nonetheless, no matter how much pain they may cause us at some point in time.

I have found gratitude, and solace, but most of all, I have found peace in myself.
(I sound like a buddha my goodness).

Okay it ends here la.
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