Dec 06, 2005 09:24
More has been written about the reasons for the decline of the roman empire than any other subject in history. Some moralists claim it was the moral decay in the society, but most things they cite as examples are the missadventures of the judeo-cludian family who riegned for only the first hundred years of the official empire. That perverted dynasty gave the whole of rome reputations for child molestation and other acts not looked upon fondly. Others claim that Rome had grown to big to support itself and was crumbling under its own system, but that system had held the medditeranian under its grip for almost a thousand years. The most likly reason is that Rome was just not prepaired to handle the barbarian invations of the germanic and ostrogoth hoards that swept into Roman lands in the 5th century AD. The sacking of Rome which had already been abandoned as the capital of the empire was to much of a blow to the hubis that has been the ego of Rome for so long. But its my opinion that the spliting of the empire by Diocletion had kept the empire in a state of disunity and that prevented the Roman legions from mounting a strong enough defence.