Jan 16, 2007 09:27
1) Big Brother Fiji cast is announced. I am rooting for the computer geek Yau-Man. I need to keep reading more of the Bios, but I will then announce my top and bottom 4.
2) Amazing Race All Stars cast is announced. The Coalminer and wife are back (Mary and Dave from Kentucky) ROMBER- ewwww!, Team Guido aka Bert and Ernie (Gay guys from season 1 that I loathed) the frat boys from season 1 (Another personal fave) Mirna and Charla amung others.
3) American Idol is tonight. They are hyping how horrible the auditions are going to be. They had one preview on the Tonight Show last night that had me rolling. Hopefully there will be someone who catched me eye, but beware, anyone I like NEVER makes it to the end. (Excpet Carrie Underwood)