Oct 24, 2006 12:00
My body doesn't know if it wants to be roasting hot or freezing cold. I took yesterday off of work. I was feeling miserable. The morning was going fine, but in the hour I have just gone to the extremes of feeling hot and cold. Oh well, at least I am here and being a trooper for the team. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't so dedicated to a job. I mean, I am obviously replaceable and life would go on should I not get everything done, but I feel like I am letting them down by not doing everything and maybe I should have stayed a second day at home. Perhaps I need another dose of medicine and I'll get through the afternoon.
On a totally unrelated note, I got an email from Andrew and Emily. I haden't heard from them in months and they are in the process of moving across town. Andrew has a good lead on his first lawyer job, so say a prayer that all works out for him.
On a second totally unrelated note. My sister that got married... Her sister in law and husband just got transfered to an Air Force Base outside of Omaha, NE. Hmmmm, I might know a couple of people there. Just thought it was a small world.