Mar 08, 2005 17:09
S p e c i f i c s
01. do you do drugs? Uh.. for medicinal purposes only..hehe i swear thats it...
02. what kind of shampoo do you use? Herbal Essences ORGASM
03. what are you most scared of? sharks and those 3 curse words eww shudder
04. what are you listening to right now? my mom stomping up staris shes ma at me O NO HAHA
05. who is the last person that called you? ? ECOB
06. where do you want to get married? ? in Hawill
07. how many buddies are online right now? ? lots
08. what would you change about yourself? ? my hair
09. any tattoos or piercings? ? nope
F a v o r i t e s
01. color: -- yellow
02. food: -- strawberries
03. boys' names: -- Oliver and Max
04. girls' names: -- HAllie and faith
05. subjects in school: -- biology
06. animals: --.ALL.. I LOVE PIGGIES
H a v e | Y o u | E v e r
01. given anyone a bath? ? yep
02. smoked? -- nope
03. bungee jumped? - nope really want to
04. made yourself throw up? ? no
05. skinny dipped? ? HAHAH YES
06: ever been in love? ?.no
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? ? HAHAHHAHAHAH YES!!! GOOD STORY
08. pictured your crush naked? ? YES YUMMY BRAD
09. actually seen your crush naked? ? yep brad pitts picture is on google naked haha and yes ive seen it haha
10. cried when someone died? ? yeah
11. lied? ? who hasent
12. fallen for your best friend? ? yeah haha
14. rejected someone? ?.i guess
15. used someone? ? dont think so
16. done something you regret? ? .everyday
C u r r e n t
1. Clothes: -- Jeans, and shirt and undies haha
2. Music: -- lots
3. Make-up: -- dont where any
4. annoyance: -- homework and men
5. Smell: -- onions i had subway yumm
6. Favorite artist: -- to many
7. Favorite group: -- to many
8. Desktop picture: -- READSKINS!!
9. Book you're reading: -- me read?!?!
10. CD in player: mix by ian!!
11. DVD in player: -- forest gump.. life is like a box of chocolates
L a s t | P e r s o n
1. You touched: -- MY DOGGY
2. Hugged: -- MY LBL
3. You IMed: -- allie mion
4. You yelled at: -- ecob cause i was frusterated
5. You kissed: -- my mommy
A r e | Y o u
1. Understanding: -- yeah
2. Open-minded: -- I try to be
3. Arrogant: -- hahah sometimes
4. Insecure: -- sorta
5. Interesting: -- sure
6. Random: -- hahaha yeah
7. Hungry: -- yes always
8. Moody: --sometimesdepends on when that time rolls around
9. Hardworking: -- sometimes
10. Organized: -- nope
11. Healthy: -- yep as a horse
12. Shy: -- when i was in preschool yes i know shocker
13. Difficult: -- hahah i dont know probably
14. Attractive: -- depends
15. Bored easily: -- nope
16. Messy: -- hahah have you seen my room that will answer your question
17. Responsible: -- try to be
18. obsessed: -- YES BRAD PITT
19. Angry: -- depends
20. Sad: -- depends
21. Disappointed: -- depends
22. Happy: -- most of the time
23. Hyper: -- HELL YEAH
24. Trusting: -- yes
25. Talkative: -- never stop
W h o | D o | Y o u | W a n n a
1. Kill: -- killing is how i solve my problems yep
2. Slap: -- muhahahahah so many
3. Get high with: -- some one hot so then i could do them hahahah
4. Look like: -- HAllie BErry
R a n d o m
1. In the morning i am: -- tired no shit
2. All i need is: -- a nap
3. Love is: -- confusing
4. I dream about: --. things, people ,and places arnt i discriptive
W h i c h | I s | B e t t e r
1. Coke or Pepsi: -- COKE HELL YEAH
2. Flowers or candy: -- toughie.. ill take both
3. tall or short: -- both are freaking cool
O p p o s i t e | S e x
1. What do you notice first: -- eyes
2. Who do you have a crush on: -- ugh so over the love thing right now
3. Who has a crush on you: -- no idea besides ashlo and my lbl heheh
D o | Y o u | E v e r
1. Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: -- hahahahahahahah
2. Save conversations: -- hahaha oo yeah still got that like 3 hr one from scott
3. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: -- yeah i mean come on guys dont hae to deal with periods or getting pregnet the luck bitches
4. Wish you were younger: -- haha yes so there would be no drama inless i didnt get my nap
5. Cry because someone said something to you: -- yes but now i dont give a fuck what people say inless its good cause i mean why would you talk shit its none of yuor buisness
N u m b e r
1. Of times i have had my heart broken: --im really not sure if it was broken or just hurt
2. Of hearts i have broken: -- hopefuly not to many
3. Of guys i've kissed: --2 not including my dad and brother
4. Of girls i've kissed: --my mommy
5. Of continents i have lived in: -- 1
6. Of tight friends: -- I don’t know.. I’m tight with lots of people
7. Of cds i own: -- some i lost my whole collection once and i had 100s i was soo pissed
8. Of scars on my body: -- TONS im a dangerous type of gal
F i n a l | Q u e s t i o n s
1. Do you like filling these out: -- when im bored
2. Gold or silver: -- silver looks better
3. What was the last film you saw at the movies: Hitch with my LBL
4. Favorite cartoon: -- hmmm no idea i still love DISNEY WITH A PASSION
5. What did you have for breakfast this morning: pop tarts and cold tea eww
7. Could you live without your computer: --hell no
8. Would you color your hair: --sure
9. How many people are on your buddy list: -- no idea
10. Like watching sunrises or sunsets: -- both mostly in SC