On Sonoko

Jun 13, 2007 14:16

Stats and Permissions:

Name: Suzuki Sonoko
Birthday: Unlisted; voice actor Matsui Naoko's is April 4th, so I'm going with that for now.
Age: 17 by birthday above; 2nd year of high school (11th grade US)
Weight: Probably slightly less than average for girls her age; Sonoko's somewhat appearance-oriented.
Medical Info: Nothing of note
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light brown (possibly "tea colored")
Physical Features: Nothing of note

What's Okay To Mention: Detective Conan is a very long running and very well recognized series in Japan. Probably not as recognizable as, say, Pokémon, but definitely up there. Off the top of my head, it's gotten cameos/references in Yakitate!! Japan, Inu-Yasha (anime), and Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, and it's been going for a good ten years at least, so if your character reads Shounen Sunday and was around then, they might recognize Sonoko and would definitely recognize Conan (and probably Heiji and Ran and Kogoro as well). You can mention that she’s in a comic book, but she probably won’t believe you. Even if she did, she’d likely start asking questions and demand to know why it wasn’t a shoujo manga starring her instead of the shounen thing about the little four-eyed kid that it is.
I would like to avoid the big spoilers - Conan = Shinichi, the Black Organization and its plans, Haibara’s background, etc - if I possibly can, especially if I ever get canonmates in. Also, please don't tell Sonoko that it's really Conan solving the mysteries she sleeps through. Talking about Ran is probably okay, as long as you don’t put the idea that Ran is in some horrible cliffhanger-y danger into Sonoko’s mind or something.

Abilities: Decent deduction skills (not ‘genius’ level like Shinichi or Heiji, but about Kogoro’s level easy); some basic sleight of hand; internet proficiency; fashion conscientious; most likely monetarily aware, and can recognize members of well-known rich families from parties.

Notes for Psychics - Sonoko has been a witness to a number of murders and near-murders, and even been targeted by a serial killer, but she seems pretty healthy despite it all; if the subject of murder comes up, or if something reminds her of a case she’s seen, or if you do a little digging, you’ll probably run into some dead bodies and anxiety. Other than that, nothing much to speak of, though she does think a lot about her BFF and not!boyfriend.

Shapeshifting/Bodyswapping/Spitting at/Stepping on/Etc: As far as the first two go, give me a little time to get acquainted with playing first plz, and then ask first; I’ll probably be okay with it after I get over my initial anxieties. General rudeness/annoyingness/just-being-a-jerk is fine.

Hugging/Kissing/Other Non-Violent Physical Contact: Fine by me; Sonoko’ll be startled by the more intimate stuff, especially at first, but she’ll probably either pass it off as an ‘American/America’ thing or get used to it.

Maim/Murder/Death: I’d prefer to avoid this when possible, especially from a first-person POV; Sonoko’s been witness to her share of murders, and she’s even been targeted a few times, but she’s yet to be an actual corpse. General scratching up/bruising and even a broken bone or two would be okay, but nothing too permanent - I’m still not sure how she’d feel about Moogles, and she's probably emo about scars.

Emo/Angst/Drama: I’d like to avoid it when I can, and Sonoko’s not the type to keep herself down for too long, but sometimes it’s necessary for the circumstances.

Cooking: She seems to do okay if she has a recipe.

On Sonoko recognizing other canons:
I think there's only one or two things that Aoyama-sensei ever actually copies directly/takes directly from real life, and that's Ocean's 11 (I need to watch that now for character background -_-a) and Two Mix. There's a fair number of parodies though, from GameMan to Kamen Yaiba to a Gozilla knockoff named Gomera to Kiss Note complete with cherubic Ryuuk. So, while she probably won't recognize you, she might know of something strangely similar. I'll try and avoid doing this for things that I don't' have canon on, though.

On Sonoko recognizing people period:
It's canon for Sonoko to be able to recognize people from rich families from parties she's attended, but I don't know how fine a line people are comfortable with drawing between different canons. Drop me a line here if you're okay with her recognizing you or having heard of your family before, or if you'd prefer to keep the two worlds completely separate.
She also keeps fairly up-to-date on pop culture, so she might know you (or know a parody of you) from television or something.

What little I've collected from the books so far:

Sonoko's taste in guys
- Not too skinny or too fat; likes a little muscle on them. Famous = good. Into the "Cool" type. "Mysterious" also good (but not "Mystery nut"), as is funny/charming.
- -Seems to be in love with the idea of having a boyfriend, so she's not too sure what to do when she actually gets one.
- Has "rescued princess" fantasies; also movie-plot fantasies.
- Her greatest wish come true would probably be if Kaitou Kid turned out to be Makoto. ...Which isn’t going to happen, but she can still dream, right?
- She can and does go for cheesy lines.
- Has a tendency to panic when on her own with cute guys (so she drags Ran with her XD)
- Has really bad luck with guys; at least one of them has been a serial killer.
- Age limits go up to 29, but never far below her own (maybe as low as 15 in special circumstances).
- After meeting Makoto, seems to like guys that remind her of him. (Heiji, tanned tennis player, etc.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: As Sonoko's not!boyfriend isn't in camp at the moment, she is in "window shopping" mode. If you're her type, she will look and may well flirt, especially if you aren't taken, but she's almost certainly not going to buy anything. If your character(s) is/are her type and you still don't want her making eyes at him/them, let me know and I'll reel her in.

Sonoko in general
- Ran tells Sonoko what happens on cases.
- Sonoko goes to lots of parties with her family. She's the second daughter of the Suzuki Zaibatsu (Heiress? Confirm/deny). She can recognize other rich families from said parties. (Her older sister is already engaged.)
- Being a Detective Conan character, she has a fair amount of experience dealing with dead bodies. She's also picked up a few detective tricks, but is still nothing compared to the 'genius' detectives.
- She's made friends on the internet (appears to have been done through chatrooms rather than forums) and has developed an interest in amateur magic. (Pretended to be a 30-year-old man online ^^a) (nickname: Spell Magician) ((Note: gets into bonsai at the end of the case?))
- Will fight back when in trouble (biting, struggling, etc).
- If she notices you're in a not!relationship that isn't going anywhere, she will try to speed things up. And also be jealous, because you're practically married as far as she's concerned.
- She's actually fairly bright, but no one seems to notice this -_-a
- Once used makeup to trick Ran into thinking she was a ghost/monster of some sort; definitely not afraid to tease her friends.
- While Ran is terrified of ghost stories and horror movies, Sonoko delights in them.
- Dresses fashionably; wears miniskirts a lot (also bikinis and tube tops), to Makoto’s continuing horror and distaste.

Still working on both of these.
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