You have made it to the merge.
postaposta and
commentus are no more.
You are now one tribe: The
postamentusTribe. Which means your are now competing for
individual immunity. It will be interesting to see if old alliances stick or ifnew alliances form.
Everyone will recieve an invite to join
postamentus soon. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU JOIN
THIS COMMUNITY. There will be a non-race reward challenge tomorrow. It may be the most important
challenge of the game. Make sure you participate. I will reveal the reward in the reward challenge post tomorrow.
It will be posted in
postaposta and
commentus will remain
open an you make still speak freely to your original team there.
postamentus Tribe
luckycharms3 ifferjenn now_showing xandydawatcher yojoe everybabyweeps djcala justbenny2k bendawg