Jul 20, 2007 08:32
Rejoice! This resurrection of LiveJournal comes with a whole new healthy dose of Vitamin B to my adoring public. Lucky you!
So lets start with the new obligatory candid peek into the goings on in Ben's life shit. I'll recap-
*I'm going to school again this semester (Aug 20)
*Comic-con is in like a week (if you care about me at all, you're going)
*My balls are still enormous
*I'll hopefully be getting fired from my job soon
I'll elaborate a bit on that last point. You see, my job used to be pretty bitchin'. I worked with my good buddies Sabrina and Kevin, I could come in late and leave early at my own discretion, I could take extended lunches, I could peruse myspace at my leisure, everyone was happy and things were magical and Ben was thriving.
Then one day we were taken over by a large corporate medical conglomerate and told that we'd be shutting the entire operation down and everyone would lose their jobs in like October but we'd be getting a sweet severance check. Bummer, right? But hey, at least we've got jobs 'till October and at least we'd be getting something out of it. However, one by one people started cutting out early for their own reasons, or because it was simply decided that they were no longer needed. What they didn't realize was that every person there had a goddamn job to do weather or not it was completely necessary for their particular corporate infrastructure, and that these jobs would get distributed out among the rest of us, So before we knew it we were having extra titles tagged on to our names such as "Chief receiving inspector" and "Assistant document control specialist", which would have been awesome if we'd been getting paid any more for it.
Anyway, I won't bore you with any more details. Let's just say working conditions had become undesirable. The attitude of the place sucks, And the only thing keeping me there until a few days ago was my little personal assistant. This girl was absolutely phenomenal. The amount of effort and professionalism she put into such a bullshit job astounded me. She'd follow me around and do basically anything I asked (incredibly well I might add) and called me "Mister" and just was generally absolutely goddamn adorable all day long. She had a bit of a spat with some of the other girls that worked there, who were picking on her for God only knows why, she was the sweetest little thing I'd ever had the pleasure of knowing. I really hope i'll get to see her again sometime. *sigh* :|3
Well, enough of that. I'm having a blast this summer. This is gonna be one for the books, as they say. If any of you feel like sharing an adventure or two with ol' Ben feel free to give me a call. Or even if we've never even met and you want to give me a call, don't be bashful. It's still 760-917-8278
auf weidersehen bitches