Jan 03, 2016 00:56
About a month ago my cat died, likely due to my own negligence. Well, definitely due to my own negligence. He'd always do this weird coughing that smelled fucking terrible. Sometimes he'd cough up foam but it never seemed to really be anything serious. Anytime he started exhibiting symptoms I'd look online and it never seemed that serious, so I didn't think it was serious enough to take him to the vet. Before he died he would get hyper affectionate, and the night he died he kept hiding in shadows near doors. I even said to him "what's up with ye, buddy?" Then I woke up the next morning, couldn't find him, and eventually found his dead body under my Gramps' chair.
I was going home to see my family that day, and my Ma got me to bring him back with me so we could bury him in their yard with out family's other dead pets. It sucked. When I came back for a few weeks I would out of habit shoe him away from my door when I came in to keep him from running out, or see him out of the corner of my eye dashing around. Sometimes I think I still catch him falling off my bookcase. But now it's been a bit over a month and the habitual shit is starting to ebb, but it's being replaced with a noticing that he's not there for me to do that anymore and it's actually breaking my heart more.
He was an annoying pain in my ass alot of times and I really wish I had a bigger place for him to run around in, but it really takes me aback how much I miss him.