Aug 28, 2009 21:46
Buffy, Faith, I need you to help me. Board up the rest of the windows, then we need to stock the kitchen.
Wesley, Fred, you're in charge of the house and anyone who needs to use it.
Atoli, I expect you back here before all this starts. Alkaid... I'd feel better if you came too.
Everyone else, if you need someplace safe to go, or if you have friends you want to make sure are protected, our house is open. House 47, by the river. Home might be comfortable right now, but there's safety in numbers. We have plenty of room, and plenty of food. None of the intruders will get in, I promise you that.
If you can tell me now if you or your friends are coming, that would help, but it's never too late if you decide to show up.
If anyone needs me, I'll have my journal.
And everyone... Try not to die.
[ooc: Had to cover a lot in there. Buffy, Faith, action!thread? Wesley, Fred, the offer's open for you two as well.
EVERYONE ELSE! If you want your character or your character's little sister/significant other/anyone in need of protecting to come stay at Angel's house for the duration of the fight, reply IC here or on the Angel's house action post Fred or Wes will post. If you reply here, you don't have to reply there, we can just assume. ALSO, if your character is the 'hold down the fort' sort and wants to help guard Angel's place, you can volunteer for that too.]
damage control,
thinking too much,
we help the helpless