[This is a bit of a different action entry. This is for the people
here, as well as anyone else interested that didn't post in the linked thread.
Basically, Angelus is on the loose, and he's pretty fast, so location doesn't much matter.
If you want your character attacked, reply in action format with their location and what they're generally doing, and we'll thread off of that.
It'd help if you left an OOC note about what you want to happen (how bad you want them wounded, if you don't want a certain kind of wound, if you want them killed he can do that) just so I know we're on the same page. I don't want to mess up anyone else's plans here.
A couple of warnings: First, Angelus is a vampire. If and when he's done toying with you, he's gonna go for the neck-bite. If that offends you or squicks you, it'd be a bad idea to post. Second, he's very very strong and has no conscience whatsoever. Therefore, anyone who comes to help doesn't have much of a chance of getting out unscathed (although if you want someone to come to the daring rescue, we can make that work too).