1. In five words or less, describe what you do for a living. (Don't be cute.)
Stuffing envelopes, pushing pens, lifting papers. Yes, that's 6 words. I'm a rebel.
2. If you were worth $40 billion and had already bought and donated everything you wanted to, would you spend $40 million on a beautiful Van Gogh painting?
Nah, I'd grab an offer like BOGOF, or I'll bargain my way through it.
3. Would you spend $40 million on a 200-foot yacht?
Not really a sailor, unfortunately.
4. How many times have you been engaged to be married?
Just the one, but we didn't have any rings.
5. Did you have a steady boyfriend or girlfriend in high school?
HAHAHA!! yeah, right.
6. Have you ever had a day at the races?
7. Have you ever had a night at the opera?
No, although I don't know why, fat ladies singing sounds hilarious.
8. Have you ever eaten duck soup?
I'm a veggie.
9. If you accomplish something major that you're proud of, and nobody gives you any credit for it, does that bother you?
Someday I will. Too bad you can't see my genius now.
10. Of all the things that your "dream house" will have (which your current place of residence does not), what are the three most important?
A. an inside pool
B. a circus
C. a jazz bar room with snooker tables and Tom Waits getting drunk while telling me about his life
11. Who is the most famous person you've ever met? ("Met" = at least exchanged two words with face-to-face, preferably shook hands with)
Myself. And you.
12. Have you ever seen a U.S. President in person? (You didn't have to meet him)
No; not really interested to be honest.
13. If you go to a favorite restaurant, do you always order the same dish or do you mix it up a bit?
I tend to order always the same thing because they don't really have a lot for veggies.
14. When was the last time either of your parents saw you naked?
What kind of fucking perverted question is that??
15. What town did you grow up in? What was the best thing about it? The worst thing?
Champigny - worst thing: druggies and prostitutes, etc. Best thing: I got the hell out of there.
16. What town do you live in now? What was the best thing about it? The worst thing?
Shrewsbury - Best thing: it's pretty and friendly. Worst thing: people getting hammered and yelling under our windows. Fuckers.
17. When you Google your name, in quotes, how many results do you get?
I find this, unbelievably enough:
http://www.yogafinder.com/yoga.cfm?yogacity=Geneva&yogastate=VaudIt isn't me, in case you wondered.
18. What's your astrological sign, and do you think your personality is typical of that sign's supposed traits?
I'm a little Gem. I'm an air sign, and like to communicate and am also very arty. So yes!
Don't know about double personalities, I'm fucked up enough as it is.
19. What household items do you have more of than you need?
You can't have enough of a good thing. Fact.
20. Name something you ate all the time as a kid that you wouldn't touch now.