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Jul 13, 2006 00:48

Age: 16 (birthday on April 23rd)
Height: 5' 5"
Eyes: "Dreamy" (that's canon, folks), blue (sadly, he does not have a canon eye colour.) Or golden-brown as a hawk, I guess.
Hair: Dirty blonde hair. Or alternately, feathers as a hawk.

Medical Info: N/a. N-no, I'm serious. He can demorph away his injuries, unless he's too close to dying to morph.

Physical traits: Hawk: Pretty much just your average red-tailed hawk.

Human: Tobias runs towards the scrawny side of the weight spectrum, but still healthy-looking. He is very out-of-shape. He sometimes forgets to make facial expressions when he's talking to people.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Well, if you've figured out the morphing secret, I'd prefer for it to be kept under lock for now. That goes for pretty much everything connected to Tobias and morphing, including being trapped in morph. You can talk about there being a war in his world out of lock, but if you know about Yeerks, I'd prefer to keep that under lock for now, too.

Notes for the Psychics: When Tobias is any given morph, he has the instincts of that morph-- Which means, for example, as a hawk, you can still feel the "hawk" instincts. If he were in the form of a human that's got a particularly strong will, basic parts of their personality would come through, but he wouldn't have their memories or anything like THAT.

The way I'm playing Tobias, he's been stuck in the form of a hawk for so long that he on some basic level ALWAYS has the hawk instincts, although they're never as strong when he's not in hawk form. So yes, he's pretty much a little bit bird most of the time. (He has bird prejudices. It's kinda cute.)

He has Emo Backstory, and yes, he does sometimes dwell on it, although that tends to only happen when he's alone for an extended period of time.

Abilities: He can morph into anybody he can touch in his hawk form for two hours at a time.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Shapeshifting's a-okay with me. Bodyswapping, I'd prefer not unless we've got a pretty good idea to go with. I'm cool with violent physical contact with Tobias.

Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Feel absolutely free to go for it, but realise that he's been a bird for so damned long that he's slightly uncomfortable with non-con touching (in canon, he tried to flap his arms and fly away when someone hugged him and he wasn't expecting it. He was horribly embarrassed afterwards.)

Maim/Murder/Death: Maiming and/or murdering is okay with me, but really, no amount of maiming will stick around-- when he demorphs, then remorphs, the injuries disappear. You can't maim DNA~
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