Jan 02, 2010 21:52
I’ve had two people tell me that I am in the wrong ‘profession’ in the last month. Meaning... I ought not to be at Target. I should have a design job. Because I’m good at it. And okay. Neither one of them are designers. But they are two people that mean a great deal to me. Two people I love very much. And somehow, hearing that from them meant so much more than hearing it from someone else. And it made me feel good about my talent again. And made me resent Target more. (I called out New Years Eve. first time in over a year. It was liberating.) Don’t get me wrong. I don’t know where I’d be if Target hadn’t hired me a year ago. It wouldn’t be pretty. But I want more. I want that thrill back of seeing my work go to press.
So I wonder if it’s time to look outside the box. To look outside the state... It would be a huge, scary change. But it’s not like I wouldn’t know anyone. I know exactly where I’d go.
Of course. There’s always that microscopic fear that something will happen. And it won’t work out. I know that I’m in it for the long haul. This is it for me.
At Harris Teeter the other night I handed the woman my vic card and she said ‘good evening mr. and mrs. thestudio’ and i froze. I had no words. Half because of the hilarity (since it would be his last name, not mine) and half because of the thought... someone assuming we were married.