Jul 02, 2008 20:16
I could write about the leaks in my apartment or how I had to make a copy of my key for management or yesterday's lunch incident.
Or I could write about the fact that in the past two days two people have told me they know someone they want to fix me up with. Last night at dinner one of my sister's work friends says she knows this guy, Chad, who's stocky (that might have been the word she used), 5'9" that's looking for a girl who doesn't like to go out all the time and is smart. And she automatically thought of me. She was ready to exchange numbers for us right then. I wish I was a little more adventurous I guess... because maybe then I would have let her.
And when I told my mom about it she said that there's a guy that works at my grandpa's nursing home and she thinks of me every time she sees him.