I think I want an ipod. That sounds like fun.. in the meantime I need to burn a new cd. Who are you taking soc 101 with? Archaeology sounds like super fun..one day I should show you the collection of artifacts I have from when we used to go to Lillooet and dig in a friend's field.
ps thank you for coming to my birthday party and bringing me a fun present (you must have like..esp and know of my obsession with bath/body products haha..i've been eying those ones for a while now)
I heart my ipod and stuff. For Soc 101 I have Amber Gaszo, she's really young!!! No more then 28 years old.. I think you HAVE to show me these artifacts!!!
I'm really interested in eventually doing some archaeological feildwork. You know because I am all over the cultural aspects of history (one of my hist profs told me that most people are really into the military aspects of history rather then, and I was really surprised..). You should definately find those artifacts, I want to seee them!!!
And no problem, that pasta was really good!
For Soc 101 I have Amber Gaszo, she's really young!!! No more then 28 years old..
I think you HAVE to show me these artifacts!!!
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