Oct 08, 2005 00:27
"Love passionately and eat wheaties, wheaties are good!"
- William Shatner
I keep finding weird things when I face the pop aisle at work...
People are such slobs it is really disgusting..
Someone lent me their Be Cool DVD, I can't wait to watch it.
<333 John Travolta!!
I lost my wallet today, but then I found it in my car- after looking through my car thoroughly 3 times.
I am going to go read The Praise Of Folly, it's kind of a bore so far but I have to because my paper is due next Tuesday.. I am not even really enjoying this European history class much, or this semester at all. I don't know.. I guess I have to think about some things involving my future, but I feel pressured to think about such things PDQ... And I feel like I am being held back from actually enjoying my classes, and life as of current due to people constantly telling me that I have to choose a career path now, and that what I am doing is not enough.. Maybe I shouldn't stress out about such things to such extents, just ignore what I am being pressured to do and do what I need to do for me, instead of letting everything get the best of me like I usually do..
music Wake Up - The Arcade Fire