Hell is an ice rink office and Bett Midler being played by a 40 piece orchestra

Jul 08, 2002 21:57

I'm sitting in Sunnycrest Ice Rink on the East side as the pops orchestra is playing the Phantom of the Opera medly arranged by Cal Custard. A few of the musicians have yelled at me for another year of not playing in the group.. something about wasted tallent?
Tho I'm in no mood for this right now. Larry Luttenger - a local drummer - is keeping me here until all hours tonight by having a 2nd rehersal after this one. He is the drummer of the CNY Jazz Orchestra, and since they are playing downtown tomorrow, he felt they could use an extra rehersal (read: get paid more).
Ohh well.. it's not THAT bad. I brought my computer with me (no, i do not have a laptop. That's one possible name of my book- "Everyone has a laptop except me." Others being "Is Everyone hungry after sex?, What the hell do YOU want? and "I put what where?!?" . Nope.. I dragged my system here and it's all good.
Larry Luttenger was the drummer for the band The Stray Cats (the same band as Brian Setzer). Unlike Mr. Jump Jive and wail, however, Larry decided to quit the band literally less than three months before they took off like a rocket. Now, he is all bitter and what not about the music buisness.

As a kid I participated in Summerfame summer band up at SU. At that time Luttenger was assistant director of the program, and he happened to teach my low brass masterclass one day (who the hell knows why). To this day I will never forget what he said...

"You know what this job is??? It's living in the back of your van. Sleeping with your drums... Eatting a spaghetti sandwitch on your way to your next job in a city you've never heard of."

Keep in mind I think I was in middle school at this time. Maybe that explains part of why I am the way that I am. Nahh.. That's a cop out... I take full credit in my asshole-icy. It's the way I was trained.

Anyways, enough about that guy... I guess I'm going to Ladds after this to fix his computer and to kill a case of blue. It's good to be goal oriented. Now, we just need women. Ladies, we need you! Call the cell and come on down.

Ok, I'm going nuts. More on that later
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