May 26, 2010 02:48
I got an A in English 1 for the spring semester. That was exciting. My teacher was amazing though, and I'm retaking her for English 2 in the fall. Barely scraped by in Accounting.. a D. Definitely plan on retaking that, though I'm conflict too - the D might hurt, but I can still graduate. Got an FX in Psychology, because I stopped showing up, that class was bogus. I'll HAVE to retake it though.. but maybe at another campus, because my homebase campus really isn't that great.
Summer semester is going much better. Patiently waiting for my student loans to go through so I can ~splurge a little bit.
I ♥ college.
Me and the boyfriend are doing really good. Almost a year and a half now, non-stop. Such a change for me. We fight sometimes, but we're immature, and I'm kind of a bitch sometimes. But in general he's amazing, and we "click" really well. He bought me a Cubs hat today at the mall because he thinks it's cute when my tiny ponytail (soo excited that my hair has grown enough for a pony tail! I chopped it off into a lob in December) pokes out the back. And who can go wrong with a Cubs hat?
Then I spent $23 on nail polish. I have a PROBLEM. I've been buying so much lately. But I just love it so much. :(