Right so we shall begin with Wednesday the day of now three lessons. All of which I didn’t go to…
That day I sat there and did fuck all I felt like doing a fuck all kind of day so I did for a bit. Then got bored so I started on he IT coursework that I had left because I was lazy. I don’t want to fail IT so I think I will just have to stick at it. And hope for the best.
Took a break watched some TV. Mostly ABC1. Ah the joys of continual loops of American comedies that have never made it this far. Continued the coursework until about 10 then went to bed for some well deserved non-eye strain causing activities. Sleeping.
Thursday was a day of going in to college for three lessons. But these three are relatively good considering my timetable is now ultimately naff. Went to Gareth’s IT lesson only to find the server was down for the whole hour so we did some stupid MS Access SQL programming work. I foresee SQL being my most hated of all programming languages.
Sat around at lunch with the digital camera taking sly almost stalker photos of people. I was gonna put them behind a cut but it doesn't seem to like me so I pity you 56kers.
Aww Kittie Sat Like An Old Man
Very Sneaky
Aww Isn’t She Sweet?
Lots Of People (Can You Name Them All?)
I Can: Laura, Kez, Chrissi, Johnny, Jo, Zoe, George, Liz and Kaz
Run It’s A Giant Bottle
Bubblegum+Cigarette Smoke = Big Bubble+Gum On Face = Laughter
Went to photography and sat down with my sketchbook formulating ideas for presentation. I went for carrier bags taped to the back of the photos with minuscule black card borders. Looks quite good. Will make my sketchbook very bulky but I don’t care. I think it all depends on presentation. Finished up in photography for a joyous walk home. Got hit in the head by some chav because I was listening to music and not to what he was saying to me about the phone he was holding up to my face. Continued the joyous walk of boredom and finally made it home. Sat down for a bit watched some TV, worked some more on my sketchbook and went to sleep quite early about 8 o’clock.
Ah it only feels like yesterday but many years ago. Watched a few episodes of Robot Chicken. Comes highly recommended if you are a fan of stop motion animation and Transformers with prostate cancer. Oh Optimus Prime how we loved you. Watched the dawn of the dead remake again. Went out did some photography which involved officially my longest trek ever without a break.
Walked into Southampton, to Mayflower Park. Back up through Southampton, up the Avenue to the common. Round the common. Down through the university and home. Took me about 2 hours because I was taking some relatively shit photographs of bins on the way.
Sat down watched some TV eagerly awaiting this years Comic Relief. Spider-Plant Man was classic and so was Alan Partridge interviewing the Milky Bar Kid a.k.a. Simon Pegg. Went upstairs to watch the remainder and fell asleep out of boredom to be woken at 4 in the morning because I forgot to turn the TV off.
The start of today has been a slow one woke up at 10 as usual to find no one in the house. There still is no one. Technically. Watched AVP, which was good. Watched something called Empire Square that I inadvertadly caught last night whilst channel hopping. Ah 3 minutes of pixel goodness. And continued to read High Fidelity again because I had nothing better to do but for some reason it reminded me of LJ so I thought I should update before I forgot everything.
There will be an update tomorrow. Don’t worry kiddies.
“Uh oh, I didn't think going to the bathroom so often was a problem, but just today, I saw blood in my urine!"