Syfy is a magical thing, truly. Not unlike Eddie Izzard's singing voice, which seems to be
made for sea shanties.
But I digress.
I have mostly survived a month on my own with the brother-creatures. Nobody has starved - though there have been times where I have been sorely tempted to remind them all that I, as keeper of the purse strings, could fuck off for dinner and leave them all to fend for themselves if needs be - and now that dad is home with us this week I, at least, don't have to cook quite so much. Of course, this means having to deal with dad for the entire week as opposed to just the weekend but it's been better than I expected.
Otherwise: trailers. More specifically the trailers for
Stoker and
Hitchcock, the latter of which has no James D'Arcy but does have Anthony, Scarlett and Helen so I'm pacified for the most part. I still think that James D'Arcy and Matthew Goode need to be in a movie together. As do Rhys Ifans and Tom Hiddleston. Or Jason Isaacs and Tom Hiddleston.
To be honest, any combination of those would probably be intensely happy-making but James, Matthew. Go and do a movie together. And then do billions of other movies because you're both amazing. Too amazing to languish in indie flicks forever.
Sadly, still no news on the
Byzantium front, at least in terms of trailers but I shall endeavour to be patient. November onwards is going to be fun times in terms of movies for me, I expect.
But to get back to my point, I have been catching up on Syfy things. More specifically, I finished Neverland the other evening, which was basically a prequel to Peter Pan and gave me all of the Hook feels - courtesy of Rhys Ifans, mostly. Seriously, Rhys Ifans' Hook is the fiercest papa bear ever and it brought a whole new bitter sweet twist to the table in terms of the Peter/Hook dynamic.
I already say too much. Just, watch it. It is fun in the way these sorts of things should be fun.
And now, this evening, I am watching Treasure Island. Otherwise, I am trying to finally make some headway with my
hc_bingo card. Have signed up for
apocalypsebang and am considering doing something Darksiders-ey. The mythology is intriguing and we've just gotten hold of the second game instalment - which took my little brother about two days to finish but then he's a monster when it comes to these sorts of things - and I am excite to see how Death stacks up against his brother, War.
So far it looks good, though.