Can I just go kill myself now.

May 26, 2011 16:38

So yeah. Here's a thought: let's write a canonverse Kid/Maka fic.

Fuck my brain.

Maka found herself unsure of what she was still doing out with Kid at the ice cream parlor; the sun was starting to set and Kid wasn't saying anything. She wondered if she should ask what the whole thing was all about, but Kid appeared to be thinking. I could use Soul Perception on him to get some kind of clue...but after all the fuss I've made about him using it on me that'd be kind of hypocritical. Maka pressed her lips together thinly and tapped her spoon against her long-empty container.

"I have something to tell you," Kid finally said, leaning on the table and fixing her with a serious look.

At that, Maka furrowed her brows and considered leaning back so he wasn't as close to her. She decided against it when she realized she was being irrational and Kid might take it the wrong way. "Well, what is it?" She decided it must have had something to do with business as usual; certainly Kid wouldn't have wanted anything else.

Whatever it was, he seemed abnormally hesitant about telling her.

"...Kid?" Maka held up her hand, considering waving it in front of his eyes, but stopped when she realized how ridiculous that would be. And I don't want to annoy him...he seems a little stressed already. Maka cleared her throat and rested her hands in her lap, settling on staring back at him with befuddlement

"Lately..." he began, sitting back and crossing his arms. "I've been thinking about us."

That wasn't very specific; then again Kid had a habit of being deliberately vague about certain things. It seemed to be how he teased her in his own way.

"What about us?" Maka asked, crossing her arms in an unintentional mimicry of him. She wondered then if somehow she was bothering him; they had been spending more time than usual together, perhaps he was growing tired of it.

He seemed hesitant to continue, which only cemented Maka's concerns that she was being a nuisance to him. "Look, if you don't want to go out like this anymore, just say so!" she snapped, looking away from him to put up the facade that she was annoyed rather than hurt.

Kid looked taken aback by her exclamation; usually she would be amused by her successfully cracking his composure but now it seemed inappropriate. " not what I'm intending to say, Maka," he said, still blinking in surprise.

"Then why don't you just spit it out?" she replied, leveling a glare at him.

Usually people would find it unwise to talk to a death god in such a disrespectful manner. Maka would consider it a virtue that she wasn't like regular people and happened to be friends with this death god.

"Maka, be patient," Kid retorted, rubbing his temples. "I am just attempting to find the words to explain this, that's all." Without skipping a beat, Kid continued: "I've enjoyed the time that I've been spending with you and I hope you feel the same, of course."

Maka only nodded, choosing to keep her expression neutral so she didn't betray how nervous she felt.

"As of recent, however, I've noticed that..." The boy went back to leaning on the table. Maka noticed his eyes appeared to be searching her face. For what, she wasn't certain, but she wished he would stop. Whenever she made eye contact with him she ended up being unable to break the gaze because of how inexplicably fascinating his eyes were. "It seems that my feelings towards you have changed," he said, hunching his shoulders uncharacteristically. He appeared to be trying to make himself look smaller.

"...Oh." Maka looked away from him, thinking that her suspicions were confirmed and that she should leave at that moment. "'re saying we can't be friends anymore?"

Kid reached out and touched her shoulder while shaking his head. How strange, he wasn't usually very fond of physical contact, what could have possibly been this important? "Maka, I couldn't want anything less than that."

"Then what?!" She had finally had enough with the secrecy and pushed his hand away as she continued with her angry tirade: "What is the problem here? What are you trying to say, Kid?"

"I like you," Kid said, leveling a glare of his own at her as if he expected her to challenge his statement. "It's not necessarily a problem, I don't mind it, but I don't expect you to feel the same."

Kid didn't gesture or move when he said that, but to Maka it felt like he had slapped her across the face. He likes me? As in...LIKE-like? He did put stress on the word, perhaps...

Maka shook her head to clear away any thoughts that might confuse her. "All right, Kid, who put you up to this?" Despite how he appeared, Kid was not a regular teenaged boy (Maka doubted he even was a teenager sometimes, not that he would have told her either way) Death the Kid was a death god. The highly talented son of Lord Death, a great Meister and friend; why would he get a crush on anyone, let alone a lowly human like Maka?

"Nobody," he responded, appearing insulted that she would even suggest that. "I mean what I say-I like you. And as I've said, Maka, I don't expect you to feel the same."

It felt as though Maka's mind had shut off completely, leaving her unable to grasp just what was happening at the moment. Though she realized it was rude to just stare instead of giving Kid an answer, what could she even say? It should have occurred to her that the feelings were merely temporary and if Kid was capable of feeling that way towards others, he'd find someone better than her eventually.

But another part of her told her that she was being ridiculous; Kid wasn't like that, he was just...Kid.

How did she feel about Kid? Her feelings towards him weren't the same as before, but when did they change? How did they change? She had found herself thinking about him and wanting to be around him more often lately, but she didn't realize there was anything different or out of the ordinary.

"" Maka clenched her hands together in her lap, unsure of what she was preparing for but realizing it required a lot of courage. "What if I did feel the same?"

There was a brief flash of what looked to be surprise across Kid's face; he cleared his throat and linked his fingers together, appearing for all intents and purposes that he was in a business meeting. "Well, if you felt the same, I would ask if you would be against the idea of us going on a date." There was a brief pause before Kid added: "Perhaps more than once, if you don't think I'm being too forward."

Kid hated being called cute, Maka knew that much from her time spent with him, but she couldn't help smiling at the fact that he thought he was being forward. It was awfully cute. "Kid, I..."-courage, Albarn, courage. You're not under attack- "I like you, too." Her friend blinked and widened his eyes in a manner that simultaneously reminded Maka of an owl and made it look as though he didn't believe what he was hearing. "But-are you really okay with-you know, me? Being your-?" She cut herself off, looking down at the table and willing herself not to blush.

"I wouldn't have asked if I had any misgivings about it."

There was a silence afterwards while Maka contemplated just how one conversed with someone that effectively became your boyfriend. Well, we haven't even made it official yet, he's not really my boyfriend. Even then, he's still Kid. Thus the only logical conclusion was to treat him as she usually did.

"I wouldn't mind dating you at all," she finally said, offering him a hesitant smile. "And I don't think you're being forward. Actually, I think you're being silly, you're acting like you did something perverted."

"I am not silly," Kid replied tersely, tapping his fingers against the table. "I just don't want to rush anything."

Maka's hesitant smile very abruptly turned genuine and she couldn't help but laugh at the declaration. Kid was only talking about the possibility of dating and he was still being cautious about moving too fast. What was she worried about? "Hey, Kid?"

"Yes, Maka?"

"Is it okay if I hold your hand?" she asked, feeling a bit bolder about the situation.

Kid's response was to blink slowly as though he had never heard of such a proposition before. "I don't see anything wrong with that," he said, reaching his hand across the table to come into contact with hers.

She took his hand and, without warning him, linked their fingers together. "I'm glad this happened, Kid." Maka smiled at how taken aback he looked by the action. "I really like you."

Kid didn't respond at first, he seemed to be overwhelmed by what was going on. "I'm glad for it as well, Maka," he said, noticeably tensing as though he was about to get up. "I think it's time we leave this place, though. We're...attracting some attention."

The girl looked around the ice cream parlor and realized that some of the patrons were breaking out in a small applause. "...Yeah. Let's go." She stood up from her chair and moved to leave, but realized that Kid was pausing to pick up and properly dispose of their cups. She would have just gone ahead without him if she didn't realize she was still holding onto his hand.

Though she probably wouldn't have gone ahead without him even then.

As they left and walked down the street, still holding hands, Maka pondered to herself what the changes in her relationship with Kid would bring. Would they even last very long? Even if she trusted him enough to know he wouldn't cheat on her, he still had his duties as a death god. Surely it wasn't normal for death gods to have girlfriends.

"Maka, is something wrong?"

Maka glanced at Kid and shook her head. "No, nothing's wrong." She smiled and squeezed his hand to drive the (albeit false) reassurance home. "I'm just thinking about us."

Kid, shockingly, flushed and looked away from her instead of giving a vaguely interested answer as he usually would. "I-I see."

She decided then to put her worries about whether or not it was normal for a death god to have a girlfriend to rest and leaned against Kid's shoulder. Kid was still Kid, after all; still that obliviously innocent and forthright boy she was friends with, it didn't matter if he wasn't a human.

I'm glad I met him...and I'm glad he's my first boyfriend.

*why is there fic in a musebox, why won't this stop, © canonverse, *completed, ☒ Maka Albarn, ☐ Death the Kid, *goddamned ships

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