Project application rewrite: Maka Albarn

Feb 06, 2010 18:20

Old crap circa September 2008--

Player Information
Name: Mozart
Timezone: PST
Personal Journal: mozarteffect
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: inzivil-AIM
Email Address:
Former/Other Characters in the RP: Lilie (krokodilstranen) Botan (bingotothat) and Cierra (carminewitch)

Character Information
Name: Maka Albarn
Canon Origin/Series: Soul Eater
School Year/Teaching Position: 3rd year
Gender: Female
Age: 13

Personality: With a strong sense of justice, impatience for what she deems to be stupid (mostly the males in her life, like her dad or Soul in canon), a deeply intuitive mind that takes in and processes everything carefully but quickly (as evidenced by the way she battles in canon), the occasional tendency to take gambles with the utmost confidence that they'll work out, and a great sense of responsibility for her age (she lives in her own house, keeps it clean and does most of the cooking [in canon, of course]) Maka is a serious, dedicated student who doesn't give up on her objectives once she has her mind set on them and stands up against her fears frequently. Despite all of the seriousness, she's a very friendly girl that wants to look out for the people she cares for and follow in her mother's footsteps.

Brief History in Canon: Maka Albarn is one of the three main meisters in Soul Eater. Her partner and friend is Soul Eater (mostly called Soul) Evans, a scythe that she wields. She's a student at Shibusen, a school run by the Grim Reaper that trains meisters to hunt down bad souls and witches. Maka's father, Spirit (who is referred to as Death Scythe), is also a scythe that's one of the Grim Reaper's weapons and her mother was his previous meister. It's Maka and Soul’s goal to gather 99 bad souls and a witch's soul so Soul can be made into a strong Death Scythe and Maka can be a great meister like her mother. All the crap happening in episode eighteen and beyond notwithstanding, this is the basic idea.

Background (AU!Canon; HP): Maka Albarn is a half-blood witch that grew up in England reading a lot about magic even before she was accepted into Hogwarts. Her mother was a great Auror and her father...was a goofball womanizer that her mother divorced recently. Maka was left in the custody of her father and took it upon herself to take care of all of the household duties while her father was out. The divorce and her being left with him made Maka resentful of her father's bad habits and caused her to dedicate her spare time to studying even more so she could be as great an Auror as her mother. So dedicated that she once studied nonstop for a test three months in advance. As one can guess, this leaves Maka with very high grades in all of her classes and a want to remain at the top of these classes (especially Defense Against the Dark Arts).

People often come to Maka for help with their homework and she gladly tutors them in what they're having difficulty with, though those she's more familiar with tend to fall victim to her "Maka chop" (a smack on the head using the spine of one of the books she's almost always carrying) if they're just being difficult. Though in light of the recent attack, she's felt frustrated that she couldn't do much and wasn't expecting it at all. Maka's redoubled her efforts at studying and even practices wand work and formulates strategies during what spare time she has now.

Sample Interaction Post in First Person:

I've never really had a journal before, yet somehow I found this at the bottom of my trunk. I'll bet it came in the mail and Papa just put it in there without telling me that I got it and what it was for... I've noticed other people using these, though, so why not?

Hello everybody, I'm Maka, nice to meet you! I hope we can all get to know each other and get along!

Sample Interaction Post in Third Person:

"Maka, I helped pack your trunk! Papa wants you to do the best you can this year and make lots of new friends!--Hugs and cuddles, Papa. ...Oh no, no wonder it felt heavier this year, what did he put in it?" Maka immediately went to her trunk and started throwing all of her clothes out of it to see just what her father did. "C--Coffee? I don't drink coffee, Papaaaa!" she cried, throwing out the numerous bags of coffee. They made a small pile by her bed by the time she was done throwing them all out. "Oh, Papa--wait--there's more?! Ohnoohnoohnoohno--"

"Maka, are you okay?" said one of her dormmates, peeking into the room.

"I'M FINE!" she squeaked, trying to shield her trunk from view. Her dormmate blinked, but shrugged and went on her way to fetch whatever it was she came in for, leaving Maka to tear apart her trunk again. "...Romance novels?! Arrgh--Papa, I hate romance novels!" She slumped and sighed, "Papa...I know you're trying, but just...ask me before you do something like this."

Rewrite circa February 2010-- Which goes on forever because goddamn Maka...

Player Information
Timezone: PST
Personal Journal: mozarteffect
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: inzivil. AIM. Yes.
Email Address:
Former/Other Characters in the RP: krokodilstranen, bingotothat and carminewitch.
How did you hear about us?: I've been here. :B

Character Information
Name: Maka Albarn
Canon Origin/Series: Soul Eater
School Year: 3rd
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Out of school living location: Bloomsbury, Camden borough, London. IN ENGLAND, OBVS. Both of her parents work in the Ministry or at least both until Mama left and Spirit is too squeamish to go very far daily in the Floo network. :B So, London.
Blood status: Halfblood

Personality: Maka was described as a serious person that tries hard, this is true to some extent but there's a lot more to Maka than that. She does try hard with a lot of aspects in her life due to her want to be the best she can be and create a Death Scythe more powerful than the one her mother created. She studies to get the best grades she can (and even finds the learning and testing parts fun) and she fights hard (though she does leave herself some room to think about her tactics and analyzes the situation before charging in). Maka is quite self-sufficient for her age as well and it does seem like she prefers reading over sports. In fact, she's terrible at sports and dislikes them. Maka is not completely serious all the time, she's actually quite friendly to most people that don't appear to be out to cause trouble (much to the annoyance of her more cynical partner, Soul). As a friend, Maka is as supportive as she can be given her fairly weak social skills fairly limited view of some things. With her, it seems to be a lot of honest (platonic) affection is the best way to support (some of) them. Otherwise, she insists that they talk to her if they're troubled. Although some *cough*scythe boys*cough* don't take her up on this. With any problem, Maka doesn't just put on a brave face, she tackles them head on with outright courage. (She's even said so herself, even if people are afraid, courage can be found because they have fear and that courage can grow enough to give someone strength over fear.) Though in the manga, she tries to think about what she's doing as well and keep a level head. As such, she has a very deeply set opinion of what's just and what's wrong.

However, there are less than desirable aspects to Maka as well. Actually, some things about her personality can get downright ugly when her emotions run high (and, subsequently, greatly upsets and throws her off making a bigger chance for boneheaded stunts to happen, much to the chagrin of Soul) or when something aggravates the various issues/complexes she has. Though Maka is quite confident in her abilities and works hard to keep herself strong so she can protect her friends, she tends to become obsessive with perfecting things, making sure her friends safe and getting the freaking job done even through risking her own life. She also tends to keep a few of her problems or personal things private so as not to interfere with her friends' lives. Sometimes she even loses her temper and becomes violent (though this is mostly towards Soul, who also has a thing about protecting her. And cares about her in a weird way. ...By calling her "tiny tits" and saying no guy would ever want a girl who lacks sex appeal like her. Which also probably aggravates her inferiority complex and hatred of men, but hey he means well.) OH AND BY THE WAY, she has an inferiority complex, trust issues and is a misandrist. If you don't know that she's insecure, YOU WILL BE QUICKLY REMINDED. Why is this? It's actually quite textbook: young girl sees parents are happily married and so is happy, young girl sees father cheating on mother and starts to resent father, mother leaves and young girl's world view of relationships is officially shaped as "men are womanizers that only want pretty women, they will inevitably cheat, relationships fail because of this."

Also she is a gigantic workaholic. Though this shows through positively with her grades and feedback from teachers...she takes studying far. Really far.

Canon Background: I am a philistine and never finished the anime canon, so this diverts pretty wildly into manga canon. Maka Albarn is a scythe meister living in Death City (which is in the state of Nevada in the United States of America...although this seems to be forgotten quite often, goddammit Ohkubo, etcetera) with her partner, biffle and weapon, Soul Eater Evans. Do not ever call that boy Evans, though, he will release his issuuuues on you. Soul can turn into a scythe and Maka wields him to gather kishin eggs (souls that have become corrupted and are now feasting on regular human souls.) Soul eats these kishin eggs to become stronger and stronger and so they can protect the peace as directed by Lord Death Shinigami-sama, the headmaster not Dumbledore of their school DWMA--DEATH WEAPON MEISTER ACADEMY Shibusen Shinigami Buki Shokunin Senmon. As one can guess, he is the God of Death himself. Maka and Soul's ultimate goal, however, is to make Soul into a Death Scythe (weapons wielded by Shinigami-sama himself) even better than the one Maka's mother Kami Dame Not Appearing in This Series created. Of course, the deathscythe also happens to be Maka's father, Spirit Albarn (although he is only referred to as Death Scythe except by a few people) who ticked Maka off so much in her childhood she'll show him up, by golly. And Spirit cries and says that Maka is "just like Mama." Which she pretty much is if what people say REPEATEDLY is any indication, also she inherited her anti-insanity soul wavelength. Super speshul. However, they royally fucked up in the first episode, as you do, by getting 99 souls and a witch's soul. Which is what they're supposed to do.

Except the witch Maka slayed wasn't a witch at all, just a cat named Blair that happened to have a lot of magic. Including turning into a fanservice character.

Oh dear, then Shinigami has to confiscate all the souls they collected, but they get Blair as an annoyance/pet as a consolation prize. Because cats have nine souls. Soul Eater has not even begun to fuck with your mind.

Anyway, that's their ultimate goal. Along the way Maka encounters enemies and friends and everyone's minds are thoroughly fucked forever, more specifically the demon god Asura (who was sealed away underneath Shibusen) and the witch Medusa.

And her little dog/son/daughter Crona, too. When Maka first fights Crona, she finds herself unable to fight back against the bizarre child and their unique blood and notices that Soul is getting damaged in the process. Maka refuses to defend again when Crona goes in for a strike as the possibility of Soul getting hurt frightens her; Soul, who had before sworn that he would die for his meister, transforms out of scythe form and takes a near-fatal strike for her. Leaving a scar and massive issues about the team's want to protect each that will persist for days.

After this, Medusa goes incognito as a nurse at Shibusen and no one is any wiser because of her Soul Protect ability. Soul becomes a subject of experimenting for her as she agitates the black blood that managed to get into him gradually. There is now a room in Soul's...soul that is dark and Soul has an awesome suit and a little Tim Burton-esque allegory for Satan and temptation demon that tells him constantly to give in to insanity. Which Soul rebuffs constantly. Until their next fight with Crona. Maka insists that he take the little demon up on his offer and use the black blood, Maka goes completely insane and starts mindlessly chewing on fighting Crona. Meanwhile, the sane Maka somehow makes a connection with Crona's soul and there is symbolism involving childhood or lack thereof on Crona's part. Maka emerges from the insanity ENLIGHTENED with resolve to befriend Crona.

Maka does so by showing the gender neutral little thing the love they were never shown as a wee sexless child. It's happy adorable times as Crona is taken along with them back to Shibusen and is awkward as hell. They are now shipped with everyone under the sun. Unfortunately, Crona gets taken back by Medusa because of the wonderful thing known as Stockholm Syndrome. Thus Maka becomes obsessed with bringing Crona back. Even going so far as to trust Medusa in her loli form EVEN THOUGH IT'S SO GODDAMNED OBVIOUS THAT SHE SHOULDN'T and follow her to the stronghold of Arachne (Medusa's sister) along with her TEAM. Cue Metal Gear Soul Eater action as they break into Arachne's loveshack and Maka and Soul face off against her.

Long story short, Maka does away with Arachne after relying on THE POWER OF LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP BLACK BLOOD AND MUSIC AND STRENGTH and, to the surprise of absolutely nobody except Maka, Medusa heel face turns on them and possesses Arachne's body thankfully releasing the girl whose body she took in the process. And also Kid gets kidnapped. No one notices for like several months.

You know what else happens? WHOOSH, there's a timeskip and Maka makes Soul into a deathscythe. FINALLY. Aaaand anything else would be spoilerific as the series is ongoing so I'll stop here.

Background (AU!Canon; HP): Now this is a story all about-- Maka's life was that of a fairly normal English kid. Or kid in general. Kami and Spirit (though he's not commonly known by this name, most people call him Death Scythe Maka barely acknowledges it as it's too cool for him), her parents and two very well-known Aurors although they totally told their Muggle neighbors that they're enforcement, did all they could to make the best life possible for their daughter despite the fact that they weren't home as often as they should have been. That's what they get for Kami being knocked up at 19 and the both of them wanting to be AURORS!1!. And despite the fact that they actually moved a couple of times before settling in Bloomsbury closer to the Ministry.

Although she spent most of her time reading rather than playing outside with other kids. This was normal, too, for those with introverted personalities.

Except Maka wasn't introverted, she was obsessively studying about the history and mechanics of magic and other subjects involving magic.

All right, so she wasn't exactly like other kids, she happened to be a witch. Maka, precocious as she was, had already decided exactly what she was going to do with her life; she was going to be an Auror just like her parents. That was her original plan, anyway, until she noticed that her beloved Papa was...kind of being a cheating hobag. With every woman there ever was. This will eventually make it so Maka can't go into most bookstores with Papa without it being extremely awkward, but in the meantime it's gradually unravelling the relationship between her parents and is entrenching great issues resentment within Maka. Nonetheless, Maka received her letter of acceptance to Hogwarts and went on her way.

No, really, she went to Diagon Alley by herself and scared the hell out of Spirit while she calmly bought the supplies she needed and insisted on opening her own account at Gringotts so she could save up to move out the minute she turned eighteen. How an eleven year old was able to accomplish all of this, no one really knows. It's definitely not something you can excuse with "magic." Just that she was starting to have an insistence for being self-sufficient and not have to ask her father for anything. Though when the need arises, she will play up to him to get him to do something.

Once she got to Hogwarts, she became bound and determined to be in the top of her classes like her mother so she could show up her parents but mostly her Papa when she became an Auror. See, character development made her goals change, it's the vogue thing right now. Despite the insistence on studying forever and not socializing much, she made friends that would pull her out of her studying hovel often and force her into going outside. Whoever heard of such a thing as outside?

When her second year was almost done, Maka got a letter from her mother saying that she was leaving Papa and being assigned to a different post in a different country. Henceforth, she would be traveling to different countries and not physically reporting back to the English Ministry. This made Maka all the more determined to achieve her goals and hate Papa even more, too. And also want to be like/better than her mother more than ever and she went back to her regularly scheduled life as that's all the girl could do. A few months later there was another blow to antagonize Maka's sense of confidence and justiiiiiice as news of dark wizards attacking her school broke. Dark wizards. Followers of some undetermined "dark lord." Right there in the school? Attacking students and spouting anti-mixed blood rhetoric? Of all the nerve. She became obsessed with being useful to Dumbledore and shut herself off completely to study and practice. It started to take a bit of a toll on her health, but she refused to stop.

Now Maka's in her third year and despite her insistence on isolating herself, she actually gets along with most of the other students and does well in all of her subjects, as she prefers it. If she didn't, she'd probably have a nervous breakdown.

Despite the concept of moderating time for studying and time for socializing starting to make itself known to her, she still prefers studying above all. No matter how often a housewife bodily drags her out of the library to go have some fun like a normal thirteen year old. Although she's not against starting up a friendly conversation with a person she's not familiar with and she will help out someone if they ask for help with homework. They might aggravate her enough to earn a Maka Chop (a smack on the head with a spine of a book that magically appears in her hand) if she's more familiar with them. Otherwise she gets the job done as that's how she prefers to do things. Who knows if finally discovering her journal randomly at the bottom of her trunk will change this or not, but stranger things have happened.

How would your character fit in to each House?

Gryffindor: Why, no, I can't imagine how little Miss COURAGE IS THE KEY can fit into Gryffindor.

I mean, uh.

Maka's character is pretty much based on facing things down with courage and fighting fear, even if she is afraid and unsure of herself. As with all shonen heroes, she's brave, greatly prefers to do what's right (though she seems to take a "the end justifies the means" attitude with some things. She hates to lose) and can be rather hotheaded. I suppose that's what happens when you're facing down enemies that use fear and insanity to manipulate and overpower others. The whole "courage" thing gets repeated so often, she may as well be the Cowardly Lion's coach. She could fit quite well into Gryffindor. If as a significantly less stupid one.

Hufflepuff: Maka does have a strong sense of loyalty even if she's doubtful that other men--I mean people do with some aspects of life, and even if she is hotheaded she has a kind heart given that she won over Crona with a cooldown hug. That and her determination to win and hardworking personality can fit as well. Although she's a bit too...well, forceful, if that makes sense for Hufflepuff. I don't know of many Hufflepuffs that would tackle a werewolf off of a bridge in London and punch an embodiment of fear and insanity in the face.

It's not completely impossible for her to fit into Puff, it's just not as fitting.

Ravenclaw: Maka's a nerd.

No, really. She's a nerd. A total bookworm that reads for fun and likes doing "gloomy" things like word games. As said before she studies obsessively and finds things like exams, which are ordinarily daunting, a fun test of her knowledge and knows all of the rules and regulations of her school by heart seriously. In the creative department she likes writing poetry, but only to work out her ~*feelings*~ and...well, she doesn't seem to like music very much, so she definitely doesn't do much in the music department. I don't even know what was up with that joke about her having horrible taste as it seems to have been swapped out for being resentful of music in general, so. :|a But she sings a little, apparently and sounds really sick while doing it because her voice actor is--, and thinks fast on her feet in battle which leads to...interesting results. Like contorting into a rather odd position which shows off her panties in the manga, goddammit Ohkubo to dodge a piledriving headstone.

...Why in balls did this end up longer than the Gryffindor section.

Slytherin: She's ambitious so far as...she doesn't like to lose and having a the end justifying the means attitude. Which leads to at least two deals with the devil, as it were. And she manipulates her dad with cuteness when it suits her, but that's really about as far as it goes for Slytherin characteristics.

Sample Journal Entry: So, these are the journals everyone's been scribbling in during class. That's no better than passing notes.

I don't usually have a reason to write in journals, but I guess there's no harm in trying to keep up with this one. How is everyone today? [If she didn't say she didn't usually write in journals, it would have been made evident by the ink drippings here.] Oh, my name is Maka Albarn, by the way. It's nice to meet you.

Sample Interaction Post in Third Person: Platform 9 3/4 was active as usual as students gave their partings to their parents and boarded the train. Maka wasn't paying attention to this, however, as she was flipping through a blank journal she found in a pile of bills on her father's nightstand. "Papa, what is this and how long was it there?" she asked, brushing off some dust with a look of distaste.

Spirit coughed and laughed nervously. "Well--well, it actually came with your letter of acceptance, but--"

"So you've been hiding it from me for three years?" Maka interrupted, sharply gesturing and causing her father to back away from her.

She should have been afraid of him causing a scene in response, but she was too annoyed at the fact he had been hiding yet another thing from her. Predictably, Spirit put his face in his hands and started to sob. "Papa's sorry, Maka, Papa's so sorry!" he cried as people walking past stared at the two. "But--but--that journal connects you to a network in the entire school, dirty boys in there might prey on you!"

Maka scowled and brought the spine of the journal down heavily onto the man's head. "I'll be fine!" she snapped while Spirit started rubbing his head. "Now I have to go. Don't get arrested while I'm gone," Maka added, turning and marching to the train.

"Papa loves you, Maka!" she heard Spirit call after her.

"I know," Maka muttered, rolling her eyes. "I know." She sat down and put her journal in her bag, trading it for a book she had been reading as other students milled past. "Does he always have to be so paranoid, though?"

@sortinghat_rp, *dubiously completed, *rewrite, ☒ Maka Albarn

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