Workin' on trivia

Apr 03, 2011 22:31

→ I feel like even if Xion flatly refused to learn to play the piano and wanted to do fencing instead, her parents still made her take lessons and she discovered she has a natural aptitude for it.

Not that she wants to make a big deal out of it and dislikes playing anything but compositions she makes up herself since she doesn't want to wreck the art of others.

This is the composition she's been working on for a few years hurrr. She's very hesitant to finish it or play it in front of others, so that's why I chose that version. Since it's computer-made it sounds stiff and an audio glitch cuts it off at the end.

→ Xion's hair used to be long! Like this, actually; but when she realized she was only keeping it that length because of her parents and it got in her face too much...she had it cut.

Her parents insisted she was being silly and it'd grow out again never did. That is really the first sign of Xion's magic; her hair never grows because she willed it not to.

→ When she's alone she still practices fencing maneuvers sometimes. Having to essentially quit the hobby killed her.

→ But uh that doesn't mean she wants anyone else catching her. :|a She's still very skittish about revealing her hobbies or talents.

→ Having such a small frame bothers her. It really does. She often checks in the mirror to see if she's grown at all.

→ Xion's special AU last name is "Tristesse." She has absolutely no problem talking about her full name, except when French-speakers give her the side eye for it. =A=a She doesn't know whyyy.

Spoilers: "Tristesse" means melancholy or sadness in French.

☒ Xion, @sortinghat_rp, why is it both dear god, *trivia, *headcanon, © SHverse

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