Jan 27, 2011 17:46

Also this will be in progress forever 'cause YOU KNOW TV TROPES.

TV Tropes


Go Out With A Smile, Doomed By Canon, Gratuitous French "Musique pour la tristesse de Xion" or "music for the melancholy of Xion" is the name of Xion's theme, It Is Dehumanizing by Saix, Leitmotif, Let's You And Him Fight, Lost In Translation Shion, how Xixi's name is pronounced, is a plant associated with memories in Japan, Meaningful Name it is also a legitimate Japanese name meaning "sound of the tide" there's your connection to Kairi and Naminé, Power Trio with Roxas and Axel, The Woobie, Cute Bruiser, I Want My Beloved Friends To Be Happy, The Power Of Friendship, Meddling Parents

Cierra Rowan

Colorful Theme Naming, Do Not Call Me Paul, Mama Bear, Beware The Nice Ones, Actual Pacifist, You Did The Right Thing, Shrine To The Fallen alas, poor Campy. I knew him, Horatio. Heroic BSOD, Happily Adopted, Misery Builds Character, For Happiness, Absentminded Professor, Cute Witch, The Smart Guy, Promotion To Parent, I Am Not My Father, Conveniently An Orphan, Playing With Fire, Nice Hat

Maka Albarn

Significant Anagram Kama = scythe = Maka :B, Selective Obliviousness, Badass Bookworm, Cooldown Hug, Does Not Like Men, Cute Bruiser, Tsundere, Megaton Punch, Expressive Hair, Four Temperament Ensemble Choleric, Girlish Pigtails, Green-Eyed Monster, Green Eyes, Magic Skirt, Lawful Good, A-Cup Angst, Silly Rabbit Romance Is For Kids, Missing Mom, Overprotective Dad

Eruka Frog

Animal Motifs FROGS. FROGS EVERYWHERE, Chaotic Neutral, Iron Woobie, You Gotta Have Blue Hair, Nice Hat, Stuff Blowing Up she does love her bombs, Pettanko, Lovable Coward, Hime Cut, Cute Witch, Significant Anagram kaeru = frog = Eruka, Deadpan Snarker, Only Sane Man, No Pronunciation Guide

Botan Wakahisa

Pink Girl Blue Boy and her favorite color is paaaaiiiink. You Gotta Have Blue Hair everyone on her dad's side does, in fact, One Of The Boys said by Alfred, though she has feminine interests and isn't masculine enough to qualify for tomboy. 8|a It's like she's a real person or something., Misery Builds Character, Scars Are Forever averted. Don't be silly, not always. Hope Springs Eternal, Death Is Such An Odd Thing, Like Brother And Sister with binkyyy Alfred, No Guy Wants An Amazon, The First Cut Is The Deepest hoo boy, Genki Girl, Motor Mouth, The Nicknamer, Huge Schoolgirl she is currently five foot ten, Floral Theme Naming it means "peony" okay, Giving Someone The Pointer Finger

☒ Eruka Frog, *random rambles, *in progress, *tv tropes ruins your life, ☒ Maka Albarn, ☒ Botan, ☒ Xion, ☒ Cierra, © SHverse

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