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Jan 03, 2009 22:57

guants ghosts was way rad. so many people have died, fucking shogy almost died, right off the break, its rediculous. I don't know how the series could survive another installment. war torn indeed.

now i'm reading this joont called exit A. it takes place on an american military base, in japan. alot different fromt he other books i've read, way more rooted in a stable mind set haha. no noir, or twisted, or sci-fi, or demented back drop... its rejuvenating, and stimulating too. bonnie and clye, off the break. i'm lovin it.

also, i need to get jessica over here. i want saede more, but her three strings are destany. i can't stand to restring her. jessica on the other hand. she needs a few new strings indeed. me and one of my roomates got down on the spirituality of guitars. it was refreshing to know that someone out there knew what i was talking about, as far as relationships with guitars go. or at least, getting a feel for YOUR ax.

i can't WAIT to go snowboarding. i've almost shunned the thought out of pure overwhelming lust. i dream about it everynight. last nights dream consisted of me parachuting onto a helicopter and escaping to the mountains, where i proceded to race and pwn, and blast snow into the oblivion of my glorious wake. shaka.

girls.... girls girls girls.. feeble and fickle. unstabble and unsturdy. as aluring as they are treacherous. its as if, their sense of loyalty, is all but unattainable. its alarming. sex for me, requires loyalty. with women, its like, the shere opposite. they just asorb it. get fucked by it. and in return, you get a bunch of discontenting head spinners. "every rose has its thorn" i wont forget that. i have, however. managed to bridge some seriouse gaps in my own means of persual, and achievment of relationship. i honestly, have my eyes on a certain someone, and she knows who she is. i wish to continue on this roll, i could write a 7 page essay without delay. but i may just let it tumble dry in my noodle box.

metal rules. whatever genre you wanna call it. bottom hitting, high flying, disasterous over achievment, and ruthless abandon. i fucking love metal. its something, that i'de avoid theropy to maintain. that hate strain.

on the otherhand. i have found love in the soul. true bright and brilliant. i cannot deny the implification of it. care for others, however "insignificant" they may be. i believe in the south, its called, hospitality. furthermore, my deeper seeded relationships, are ever more stronger. its intresting what happens, when two beings entangle and intertwinde, and co-exist along the same margine. thats what life is really about. and if you wanna be a bitch ass, dick faced douche bag about it, well then... arn't you just hell ina hand basket.

i still wanna enlist. xalot. my court case is gonna slam me hard though. with a probation, no more, but that is a seriouse determant. i'm looking for broader horizons and greener pastures.

this year, of the rat, has taught me a fuck of alot. this 22nd year. alot about cherishing, safe guarding, time and money managment, relationships, and responsibilities. Its taught me that, not everyone is on the same level, and has learned the same lessons. just because we're both alive at the same time, doesn't mean we see things the same, or learn the same for that matter.

niches and sects. organisations and programs. familys and cults. the true engraving nature of life as we know it. the extentin of dna, to conversation, to sensation and environment. anything is only possible, with the right collection of individuals. this year has been the construction of a seed shell, next year, is going to involve tweaking its inards... i look foward to the endeavor.

god bless and salutations.

ps: don't forget whats been done.
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